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Trip November 2008
Epi(Blog)ue... - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:24pm
We finished dinner and headed back to the hotel lobby
where we hung out for a few more hours, not willing to let
the trip end. Everyone brought their cameras and I brough my
laptop and we downloaded most of the pics to my laptop so I
can combine the data and distribute it to everyone. There
are a few people that need to give me pics plus Shmuel took
video that he's going to give me and audio on a dictation
machine. I'll try to combine everything together onto a
single DVD that can be delivered to everyone - compatible
for both MAC and PC.
I have lots of pics to post that are not totally related to
information in the blogs and I have may have some video and
audio clips to post later. Pics that are controversial will
not be posted without prior consent of those in it and if
anyone thinks a pic needs to come down, just let me know and
I will take it down. Other than that, I will post them time
and space permitting (in addition to the DVD to be sent to
all participants). I'm in the process of sorting the
pictures by day of event. I've done all except Dallas' so
far and have combined all the others. Dallas' will be
combined too. Right now, I'm sitting on the plane heading
back to the U.S. I'm very excited to see my family but very
sad about leaving my Nowa Radzina behind. I have been
blogging straight for 8 hours non stop. You've all meant
very much to me and I know we've all meant a lot to each
I didn't include the PICS now in the blogs I just uploaded
because I'm sitting in JFK uploading them before heading to
Florida. I just wanted to get them up there so people can
start reading them. When I have some time, maybe over the
weekend, I'll upload the accompanying the pics. In the
meantime, just add comments as you see fit and feel free to
add to my blog. That's what it's there for.
Much love.....avi |
Saturday Night Goodbye Dinner - Tuesday, December 2,
2008 at 6:22pm After shopping, we all met
up at the hotel lobby (there's a shocker) to head out for
dinner. Gail and Betsy snuck the gifts. Betsy had gotten the
one for Andrzej. Gail brought the one for Agnieszka, and I
brought the card. We headed over to the Grodek Hotel where
they have a very fine restaurant on the ground floor. We had
food and drinks. Andrzej asked us to evaluate the trip and
boy did he start us going. Shlomit was already gone by this
time. She had taken a flight out after lunch. The next one
who had to go early was Jeff, so he took the floor first.
Everyone had a bunch to say. Since I don't like to
negatively blog, I'll leave some of the detail out, but
there was a little bit of hostility from Jeff. Nevertheless,
he said his piece and then passed the floor. Next came
Betsy. She spoke for a while very nicely and then presented
Andrzej with the gift. Next came Samantha who spke so
nicely. Then came Nina and "The Jordo"...what more can I
say. We then headed to, I believe, Dallas, Amy, Gail, John,
and Dov. The last two were me and Shmuel. By then, Jeff had
already headed out, he had to catch his flight. He actually
headed out during Gail summary. When it was my turn, I spoke
for a while about what the trip meant to me and what the
people meant to me. I then presented Agnieszka with the iPod
gift. I'm not 100% sure why everyone let me be the one to
deliver the gift to her, but I'm appreciative of it because
the entire trip really affected me. Agnieszka, especially
effected me so. |
Saturday Trip #5 - Shopping - Tuesday, December 2,
2008 at 6:22pm I bought a hat and shorts
for the gym. Shmuel bought some stuff for Meryl I won't
mention because it may be a surprise. I also bought earrings
for Sarina and a large poster map of Poland for Hersh
because I know how much he loves maps. I also bought a thank
you card to accompany our gifts to Agnieska and Andrzej. We
then headed back to the hotel to get ready for our last meal
together, the goodbye dinner. Earlier in the day, Gail and
John went out and picked up a new iPod Nano for Agnieska as
a gift that we had all agreed upon earlier to get for her as
a thank you. I'm not sure which day we agreed, but I hadn't
mentioned up until now so that the surprise wouldn't be
ruined. Nothing sadder than someone who blogs about a
surprise gift. One of the days that we were travelling
Agnieszka mentioned that she had an iPod that got ruined
because it went into the wash. Gail, who is just brilliant
on may levels, immediately realized that if were to get her
a thank you gift, a replacement iPod would be perfect. When
Agnieszka wasn't around we plotted the gift and all agreed
to chip in and get it. What was really special was that when
Gail mentioned the idea of the gift, that we should get one
and what it should be, there wasn't a single person who
didn't think we should get one or who thought we should get
something else. What's amazing is that everyone in the group
completely agreed that we should get it and nobody asked how
much. Every single person just simply said "count me in". I
guess that's a testament to the affect that Agnieszka (and
the Forum for Dialog) had on us. I don't know about you, but
in hindsight it sure was amazing to get 13 people from
different walks of life to agree on a gift without so much
as a peep from anyone in the negative.
So Gail and John picked it up and packaged it. I wrote a
very touching card about how much she means to us (I don't
have a copy of the text) and how we are now her "Nowa
Radzina" - her new family. She knows that when she makes it
to the states, she will always have a place a place to stay
in any city where we are...Los Angeles, San Fransisco, New
York, Ft. Lauderdale, Chicago, and Boston. |
Saturday Trip #4 - Galicia Jewish Museum - Tuesday,
December 2, 2008 After lunch, we headed to
the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow where there was an
exhibition on Righteous Gentiles with photos and their
stories. Very interesting stuff. There were also pictures
and more stories about what ad happened to the Jews in
Krakow. After a short visit, we headed back to the main
square where we had a chance to walk through the streets and
look at the vendors' wares. Chassidic statues with coins
were abundant. If I didnt say anything about this yet, I'll
mention it now. It is very common to find status of Chassic
Jews doing different things. Playing music intruments,
reading a book, holding a book, etc. There is a resurgence
(or a surge) in Jewish statues and paraphinalia. However,
one of the more common things to find is a status of a
Chassidic Jew hold a coin or bag of coins. In the hotel
where we stayed in Plock, we found a painting of a Jew
counting money in front of a menorah. This was on the wall
in the bar (pics to follow). Apparently, Jew-coin statues
and paintings are considered good luck. Unfortunately, these
statues propogate a stereotype that Jews are connected to
money. In theory, it shouldn't be such a big deal, but
because it's pushing a negative steretype, many people, Jews
and Poles, see it as an insult. On the other hand, many
Poles see it as nothing more than a good luck charm and
don't understand how it could be negatively stereotypical
when it brings good luck. Anyway, judge for yourself. By
this time, Shabbos was over (darkness arrives at like 4:30pm
in Krakow), so Shmuel and I went shopping for some stuff for
the family. We grabbed our money bags and went shopping....I
mean we grabbed our large gold coin and went shopping....I
mean we went shopping like everyone else. |
Saturday Trip #2 & #3 - Castle & Ghetto Heroes
Monument and Lunch - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:21pm
For the first event of Saturday after shul, we went for a
sightseeing tour in Krakow. We did a walking tour of a
nearby castle and the grounds which housed multiple churches
and a massive courtyard. We walked around and viewed the
Vistula river and heard stories about how it helped protect
the Poles during wars. We walked over to a part of the
castle and looked out across the street. There, 4 houses
down, was the home of Oscar Schindler. We then headed over
to the Kazimierez Jewish quarter. For me and Shmu, we had
already been there earlier, but it was interesting to take a
walking tour of the Jewish area (or what WAS the Jewish
area). We walked over to the "Old Synagogue" and took a tour
inside. It is now a Jewish Museum. If I have pictures from
someone, I'll post them. I didn't take any picture on
shabbos, but others did. We then headed out and went by some
of the houses with mezuzahs that had been talked about
earlier. Next, we headed over to a part of Krakow where
there is the Ghetto Heroes Monument which is a artistic
memorial in memory of those Jews who were gathered up and
shipped off from Krakow. Not much had been known about this
event until the memoirs of a pharmacist were reviewed which
documented what had happened right outside his pharmacy. He
was not Jewish and was a Righteous Gentile for helping the
Jews. Right outsidehis pharmacy was the train station where
Jews were deported. The monument is actually a bunch of
empty chairs all facing the same way except for two which
fac the directions that the Jews were taken for
extermination. After we viewed the monument, we then went to
have lunch Klezmer Hojs at a Kosher Style restaurant in
Krakow where we got to sit and meet the architect of the
memorial and talk with him about the memorial and his
different feelings and ideas about what happened to the Jews
(and the Poles) during WWII. |
Saturday Morning Trip #1 - Remu Synagogue - Tuesday,
December 2, 2008 at 6:20pm Saturday
morning I got up and met Shmuel at breakfast in the lobby
area. It would take about 45 minutes to walk to the
synagogue, based on the time it took to get back Friday
night, but I knew it would take a little less time since it
was just the two of us and we could hustle. We ate breakfast
and headed out, talysim (prayer shauls) and siddurim (prayer
books) in hand. Dallas had made it down by then and wanted
to walk with us a little. The three of us left the hotel and
headed into the under-street tunnel and out the other side.
Dallas headed off in a direction where he could take some
good pictures and Shmu and I headed towards the synagogue.
We back-tracked our path, except for a slight error. We
asked a police officer where the Remu synagogue was and he
didn't know which one we were talking about but told us
there are 7 synagogues in the area and pointed us in the
general direction. We headed in the right direction and
found the path to take. We then found ourselves only 3
blocks from the shul with time to spare so we walked around
a little and found houses with mezuzah inserts. There were
three of those houses in the area that our guide knew about
(we found out later that day) and we had found two of them.
Also, there are a few unussed synagogues around the area, so
we investigated them a little and then headed on our way. We
were now in the Kazmierez area, which used to be the Jewish
district. There were a few synagogues on the main street and
some Jewish named stores. We looked at those and met up with
a non-Jewish tourist taking pictures. He came with us to the
Remu synagogue. We went inside (with time to spare for the
9am minyan). What an interesting place. The Remu synagogue
was built in 1558 and had been updated a few times since
then. It was the Synagogue of the Remu (Rav Moshe Isserlis)
who is essentially the founder of modern orthodox minhagim
The shul is really interesting. It's very very small. Seats
about 50 men. I don't know how many women. That section was
in the back. The shul had similar characteristics as the
"old synagogue" down the block which I think I have pictures
of. Before entering the shul, there is a fence yougo through
and you're in a courtyard. Off to one side and through
another gate is the cemetery of the shul where the Remu is
buried. On the walls of the courtyard are plaques put up by
people in memory of lost memebers of their family from
Kazmierez. One of the plaques was donated by a person in
memory of the 88 family memebers killed in the Holocaust.
There is a separate men's and women's entrance. Once inside,
there's a small sink on the right, a picnic-like table in
front and a doorway to the left which brings you in to the
sanctuary. The table had challah and cookies on it. I headed
into the shul behind Shmuel and looked around. How amazingly
different and yet similar at the same time to contemporary
orthodox synagogues in the U.S. When you walk through the
doorway, on the left, built into the wall, is a tzeddakah
(charity) box. There were old wooden bench seats all around
with built in shtenders (book holders) in front of the
seats. Some of the benches were seating four on a bench and
some seating two. Shmuel and I put our coats on one of the
benches behind us and sat behind the bimah (reading table)
and to the right.
The shul had a 20 foot high ceiling. with long but small
chandeliers. There were light fixtures on the wall. All the
lights looked like electric candle sticks. One of the wall
sconces had a Polish eagle on it. I thought that was
interesting. The bimah was made of concrete and rease with
one step above the ground floor. The most striking aspect
was that it was completely surrounded with steel fencing,
the kind of thick steel that might be used around a school
or building. The steel was half-inch thick black square
metal that went all around. It had some bent components to
give it some design, but it looked a little like a fancy
prison cell. On each side of the bimah was a pair of door in
the fencing to allow people to go on and go off the bimak
from either side. The doors were old looking, but they
looked more like they were intended to look old than they
were actually old. The shul was very cold. Heat was brought
through pipes that were mounted to the walls. There were two
pipes that moved hot water (I assume). The hot contents
would cause the pipes to heat and radiate the room. It
didn't do a very good job. I had to stand against the pipes
to stay warm, but then...I'm a Floridian. The Rabbi of the
shul was the Lubavitch rabbi and the room filled with about
13 people made up of a couple of local youths, a couple of
local elders, an Israeli, a middle aged fellow, and a couple
of Lubavitchers. The inside had been redone a few times
since the shul was built in 1558, but one of the original
plaques was kept and mounted on the wall. There were a
couple of memorial plaques too, where names of deceased are
placed with light bulbs. You can see how they retrofitted
the building with electrical functionality. It has a certain
primitive look to the electrical stuff. The Aron Kodesh
(where the Torahs are kept) is up about 6 very narrow stairs
and is very narrow itself. The Old Synagogue down the block
was built the same way. To the right of the stairs is the
front shulchan (table) where the chazzan (prayer leader)
start the prayers. The with of the shulchan plus the width
of the stairs is the width of the Aaron Kodesh, maybe 5 ft.
across. On each side, the left of the stairs and the right
of the shulchan is a small wall with no handrails, so, if
you can imagine it, you walk up stone narrow stairs just
beside the prayer leaders table (everything here is made of
stone) and you pull aside the covering of the Aaron Kodesh.
You open the Aron, remove the Torah and very very carefully
turn around and go back down the narrow stairs. I don't know
how someone hasn't killed themselves falling down the narrow
stairs. That's the prupose of the retaining walls, but
they're not that good. Anyway, to the left of the Aron
Kodesh is a book case with some seforim and to the right is
seating which is where the Rabbi sat.
Shmuel and I put on our prayer shauls joined in with the
serices. The acoustics of the room were horrific. We
couldn't hear the first leader, a older gentleman. When he
finished the first section (brachot), a new leader came (the
Israeli) and we could hear him a little better. Towards the
end of the morning services, it was time for Torah reading.
They took out the torah and brought it to the reading table
on the bimah. Since we had told the Rabbi that we were both
obligated to special requirements because of the recent
death of our father, we were each given a honor. Shmuel was
called up to the Torah as Levi and I was given the honor of
raising it at the end of reading, known as Hagbah. After the
honors, because of the lateness of the hour and speed (or
lack thereof) of the young feloow who read the haftorah
(post Torah reading), we had to go. We packed up our prayer
shauls and put on our coats. Shmuel had previously told the
Rabbi we might need to head out early, so there were no
worries. As I sat there packing up I realized that the
Synagogue could probably use another Siddur (prayer book). I
had brought a small hard-cover one with me for the trip. I
had originally bought it when my father passed away. I
wanted two, one for sabbath and one for weekdays where I
could mark the pages, using a highlighter, where the
passages were for the mourner's prayers. This was to help me
while I learned to say them since I wasn't familiar with
where they were in the prayers. As time went on, I had
become familiar with the prayer and where it was, so I
didn't really need the second siddur. I remember thinking to
myself at the time that it was a waste that I spent the
money on two of them but only needed one. I remember
thinking that I had no use for two. Well....or did I. You
know the idea that some things ere meant to be? So I picked
up my coat, grabbed my prayer shaul and headed to the
bookcase. I kissed my siddur and placed it on the shelf
thinking, hoping, that someday it will serve someone well.
It had all mourner's passages highlighted which was an
interesting twist on the whole idea of leaving it for
someone in a place where there had been so much sorrow and
death....and possibly rebirth. Anyway, I placed it on the
shelf, took a moment for myself, and realized that there was
a reason I had bought two of them and that this was it and I
had not known it. There was a reason I bought two after all.
With that, I turned around and quietly exited the shul. Shmu
and I then hightailed it back to the hotel where we changed
and met up with everyone else who was getting ready to head
out. |
Friday Trip #2 - JCC for Dinner - Tuesday, December
2, 2008 at 6:20pm We headed over to the
JCC to have dinner with the Krakow Jews. The place is run a
Lubavitch Rabbi. We arrived and went upstairs. We filed in,
checked our coats, and went to the big table in the center
that was left for us. We were about 30 minutes late because
the whole Auschwitz trip took longer than expected. We asked
the tour guide not to rush Auschwitz and that meant that we
were a little behind schedule. Anyway, so we got there and
took seats. I then asked if we can mix seats around and they
said yes, so a few of us got up and moved to other seats to
sit with the other people there. There must have been around
30 people there, not including us. A whole mix of people.
Interesting crowd. I chose a seat that was available at
another table and sat in front of two very nice young ladies
Ana and Ana (who were friends). Others in the group thought
I had picked that seat because of them but that isn't true.
Had I looked more carefully, I would have chosen the seat
anyway, but I really did just pick the first one I saw with
an available place setting. When we got there, they had
mostly finished their meal, so we came for some zmirot
(songs) and ate a little and heard a couple of Divray Torah
(words or lessons of Torah). They were given in Polish and
then translated into English. Shmuel made Kiddush (blessing
over wine) for us and Jeff made Hamotzei (blessing over
bread). We ate challah, a small salad, and a blintz that was
burnt (though probably our fault for being so late). I spoke
with Ana and Ana a little bit. Ana sitting opposite me and
in a white sweater was not a Jew but had strong Jewish
feelings and wanted to convert and become Jewish. She had
done her graduate studies in Jewish topics and had been to
ISrael. She loved the culture and faith and this was the
first time she had been to a shabbos meal. Ana, who was
sitting next to her, was Jewish. She had no experience with
being Jewish and had never had a shabbos meal and had only
come to be a good friend to Ana in the white. She wasn't
very interested in any of this and simply tolerated it so
her friend, Ana in White, could pursue the event. That was
very sweet of her. Afterwards, we benched (grace after
meals) with Shmuel leading the benching. I assisted Ana and
Ana in following along in the bencher (grace book). The
bencher had Hebrew, English, and Polish. I would help turn
the pages for them and would point out where we were since
there was some skipping going on (some things weren't said
because it wasn't a holiday) and it was hard for them to
At the end, we got our coats on and headed back to the
hotel. The whole lot of us walked back to the hotel and took
the path of going past the Remu synagogue. It's the only
synagogue still holding services on Shabbat and was where
Shmuel and I planned to go for Shabbat services. We walked
past and I tracked the path from there to the hotel. There,
we hung out for a while in the lobby before going to bed.
After a while, we left (or, at least, I did). HAd to get up
bright and early the next morning. |
Friday Morning Trip #1 - Auschwitz - Tuesday,
December 2, 2008 at 6:19pm Friday. The big
day. I say the big day because this is when we are supposed
to go to Auschwitz in the town of Oswiecim. We gathered in
the lobby of the Andel's hotel - now that's new....well a
different hotel is what made it new...and we boarded the bus
for Auschwitz. I made a mental note of the irony that we
were taking a Mercedes to Auschwitz. I'm not sure whether
that creeped me out or made me feel invigorated. Nothing
better than riding a Nazi vehicle to see the concentration
camp where Hitler attempted to anhilate the Jews. Instead,
he's gone, his people are gone, the Nazis are gone, and I, a
Jew, get a chance to go to Auschwitz in his car. I think the
irony permits me to savor the victory (so to speak). I don't
plan to get gruesome in any of this blog but going to
Auschwitz requires one to discuss some horrible details. In
the meantime, we got to Oswiecim and to the Auschwitz
visitors center. We picked up our guide, Ana, and headed
towards Auschwitz-Birkenau (a.k.a. Auschwitz II). There, we
got off the bus and went to the entrance where Ana gave us a
little history of the camp and told us what we needed to
know before going in. At this time, a few of us took a break
and headed to the bathrooms, which is located in the main
entrance building to the camp, located right next to where
the tracks entered with Jews, Poles, and others. The
bathroom was standard, with urinals, toilets, sinks, etc.
Somethng about it felt surreal or out of place. It felt as
though I was standing in Disney World with props instead of
real buildings and places. Finished in the bathroom and
headed to the bus. Here was my first real difficult
thought....I'm not sure how to explain it.....but I couldn't
lift my head to look. I mean I COULDN'T lift my eyes to
look. Have you've ever been in an uncomfortable position,
where something is going on that you know you should'nt see,
and you automatically turn your eyes down and away from it?
Think of any time you've accidentally walked in on someone
in the bathroom or undressing and instead of looking at them
or, worse, staring at them, you turn your eyes away and
excuse yourself. This is what it was like. I felt
subservient. I felt like I was in a (un)holy place. Kind of
like when Indiana Jones, at the end of Raiders of the Lost
Ark, turns his eyes away from the case carrying the ten
commandments. As the spirits whip around and kill everyone
around him, he has to fight with all his might to keep his
eyes turned away and shut. It felt something like that to
me. I COULDN'T look. Not that I didn't want to, I COULDN'T.
At the same time, it also felt like I didn't want to cheat
and look before I was supposed to...as if to ruin the
surprise when we all enter Auschwitz together.
I returned to the group and we headed off to the entrance.
First stop was to the children's area. There, a few building
still stood that housed the children. In there, bunks 3
levels deep and maybe 10-15 wide held the inhabitants who
were children. Mostly these were Polish children since
Jewish children were generally killed right away. We learned
many things in minor detail that, with all the Holocaust
classes and books and movies you just don't get. It was
freezing outside. That meant it was freezing inside too.
These children didn't have heaters, blankets, or anything
else. They had just some clothes. Children as young as 1 and
2 years old were housed here. Maybe 100 children in a single
room with 2 female adult inmates to act as den mothers. They
had to help the children up and down, tuck them in, keep
them company, keep them warm, try to feed them, and in the
process, not die themselves. I could go on forever with just
this building, but I won't. Agnieszka soon had to excuse
herself to step outside because it was affecting her too
greatly and I was looking for an excuse to step out because
I was very bothered by it too. I joined her outside and we
spoke and calmed each other.
Considering what the movie "Spring 1941" had done to me on
Tuesday night, I thought I was going to be an absolute
wreck, but I was not. Actually, I was very composed and I'll
tell you why. When I watched the movie I became one of the
characters suffering and trying to keep my children alive,
yet watching them die in my arms and in fron tof my face. I
was that person in the movie. Auschwitz, however, was to
cleansed for me. It looked more like ancient ruins or
something you see on the history channel or in Disney World.
It was unreal, but unreal in the literal sense. It's
possible that had I gone straight there on day one I would
have felt differently, but on this day, the sixth day of the
trip, I think I was numb. I think the movie and the events
of the last five days and the information swirling in my
head made me feel distant or disengaged. What also really
bothered me is that they wanted to keep the remaining
building in their original condition and untouched. That
would have been fine except that some assholes, over time,
who had come to see the camps, thought they should leave
their marks on history and wrote, painted, or etched their
initials and names all over the place. What it meant was
that the inside walls of the first hut, the children's
building, looked like the graffiti walls in New York or
Miami. It was horrible - absolute disrespect for a holy
place. It made the whole thing feel very contrived.
We finished with the children's building and went to see the
sinks and bathrooms. Can you imagine what this must have
been like. In my wildest nightmares I can't imagine what
these people - women, men, children - had to go through. The
sinks were just 2 long troughs, the length of the room.
Hundreds and hundreds (maybe thousands) of children would
wash up in water shared by all of them. How they didn't all
die of disease in the first month I'll never understand.
Next came the bathroom. I use that word lightly. Imagine 50
holes in a wooden plank. Two rows of 25 holes the size of a
basketball cut into the wood and open to a large pit at the
bottom. There was no flushing, no toilet seats, no toilet
paper, no privacy, no nothing. There was nothing. Just 50
holes in a long wooden plank. You'd have to wonder what it
smelled like. Ana, our guide, told us that when she went
through the tour with a Holocaust survivior one time, the
survivor told her that the smel wasn't the issue. They
actually liked the bathroom, even without the privacy or
anything else. Why? Because it was the only time they were
given 2 minutes to sit. They savored, litterally savored
those 2 minutes of peace. Unfathomable.
We left the bathroom and started through the fields to the
street. Barbed wire as far as you can see. For most of the
buildings, all that remained were the brick chimneys. The
children's buildings were made of brick, so they have
survived, but when it became to costly and too slow to build
them out of brick, they started being made of wood. That
meant that over time, they would not survive, except for the
brick chimneys. We walked along the road, around, and
towards the end of the train tracks. The whole time, Ana
talked with us and told us what the building were, what had
happened, and things that you would not have thought or
known about in mainstream media. She showed us the food
preparation houses. At the back of the camp, we cam to a
memorial created by the russians to commemorate the place.
The Russians, having taken over Poland after WWII and keep
it communist until 1968, were able to rewrite history as
much as they wanted. They made the memorial to all the
people that had come to Auschwitz and the mention of the
Jews was rather incidental. Since the Polish for Jew starts
with the letter Zed ('Z'), it was listed last in the list of
people affecte by the Holocaust. Some time later, the
memorial was modified (post soviet era) and the memorial is
now a little more fair to the people who were most affected
by the camp.
After that, we headed to the side of the camp and off to the
registration building and to the remnants of the Canada
houses. These were building built to store the belongings of
the newcomers. Here, those who were selected for work
(instead of immediate death) were shaved, cleansed,
disinfected, humiliated, tatooed and clothed. From there,
they were sent to their buildings to exist (I can't seem to
use the word live). These were all people select NOT to be
killed (just yet). The Nazis had plans for them. Had a
person arrived and been selected for immediate death, they
went straight to the showers and crematoria. We passed those
on the way to the registration building. In the registration
building they have a big display of hundreds and hundreds of
photos that had survived the war. Apparently, in one of the
suitcases in a Canada building someone who had been sorting
the belongings was throwing all (or many) of the pictures
that people brought with them into a single suitcase. That
suitcase survived, as did the pictures. You see, people
brought pictures, belongings, cjewelry, whatever because
they believed they were just being relocated. I can only
imagine these people thinking that this was just a
relocation program. On the one hand, they must have known
what was going on, but who could believe such a thing. It
would be like listening to those crazy people who yell that
the world is coming to an end. Those crazy people, right?
Well, if you were one of those crazy people saying that mass
extermination of people was going on, and in the 20th
century, no less, would you have been thought of as a nut?
probably. After all, this isn't the mideval period. These
are enlightened Germans with art, music, the theater,
science and technology. Truth is, the Germans were so
successful with their plan to annhilate the Jews because of
their technology. They turned mass murder into a business
process, a wirkflow, if you will.
We left the registration area and headed back towards the
front of the camp. In the process, we headed past the
crematoria, which were knocked down, and all that remained
were the crumbled remains of an unrecognizable building.
Behind it was a small pond or swamp. Here, endless amounts
of human ash were deposited to be absorbed by the ground
underneath. The ponds and swamps remain. There are a few of
them. In front of them is a memorial to those that had
perished and had been cremated and disposed of in the ponds.
There was the most recognizable tribute memorial to the
dead. There was where we all stood in silence. There is
where we said Kaddish, all of us together, as we mourned the
millions of Jews and members of our families (known or
unknown) that were affected by this tragedy. Then, in act of
sheer defiance, we sang Hatikvah loudly and slowly savoring
the feeling that nothing was better than showing our martyrs
that the Nazis did not win. They did not prevail. They did
not accomplish their goal. In fact, the opposite had
happened. They are gone and we are singing the national
anthem of the Jewish Homeland. We sang it with an air
solmenity and victory at the same time. We will prevail. We
always have. We always will. Let that be a lesson to
history. Throughout time there have been those that have
tried to murder us, kill us, gas us, torture us, and convert
us. To make the Jewish people, as a culture AND as a faith
disappear. Ultimately, we have stood to watch them disappear
into history books as nothing more than a brief mention (if
they're lucky).
From there, we headed back to the bus. Before leaving, we
had passed a monument that we were told was in honor of the
many women in a neaby camp that had been tortured and
slaughtered, butchered to be precise. We left
Auschwitz-Birkenau for the bus and had lunch. This is why
the whole thing was surreal and had a limited affect on me.
Flushing toilets, urinals, banana and apple and sandwich for
lunch, other people just walking around, monuments. It felt
like an exhibition not a bloody death camp. I'm not
suggesting anyone change anything. I'm in no position to say
that there's a better way to do it. I'm just saying that I
felt very little wile in the camp and I think it had to do
with the unreal feeling of death in the camp. Maybe my
expectations were too high. I don't know exactly, but one
thing is for sure, I was more deeply moved by the movie that
Auschwitz-Birkenau. I focus on this for one reason alone. It
bothers me most that it didn't bother me enough.
From there we boarded the bus and headed to Auschwitz I.
There's a restaurant in the front of the building. How am I
supposed to care about this place when there's a restaurant.
Someone with us, I don't remember who said that it was nice
that there wasn't more than one restaurant, so that it
didn't feel commercialized. Hunh?!? I mean, I guess, yeah,
sure, but even one (and all the book stores) was too much
for me. I'm not saying that it felt like a
business...but....OK, I guess I am saying that. You walk in
and you're in something like a "visitor's center", as if I
went to the Museum of Natural History to look at an exhibit
on dinosaurs. With cameras and video cameras in hand, we
went through the visitor's center and past a bookstore,
heading towards the entrance of Auschwitz. Arbeit Macht
Frei. We walked under the entrance and stood where the Nazis
used to have the Jewish musicians play concerts while the
Jews left to and returned from the work fields. They
believed that it was a nice touch to play beautiful
classical music while people were imprisoned and doing slave
work. From there, we started going into some of the
buildings. Auschwitz I is very small compared to
Auschwitz-Birkenau and is all brick because it was an army
baracks of sorts before it got taken over by Germany and
they decided to use it for a concentration camp.
We went building to building looking at the displays.
Pictures, maps, hair, shoes, brushes, tallaysim (prayer
shauls), shoe polish, and many other artifacts are housed
here. We saw the different buildings and then went to the
"wall" where people, when tried by the local Nazi camp court
and had been found guilty, were summarily shot. We saw the
different methods of torture that were applied. They would
put 5 or 6 people in a closet like space made of brick. No
light, no door, no heat, no place to sit. They would have to
stand side by side all night with just a bucket in the
middle of them for bathroom use. The whole closet was maybe
3 ft. square, maybe 4 ft. They would stand all night and
then in the morning be let out to work. At night, they would
return and have to stand again. The story is told that most
people would die after the 3rd or 4th night in a row of
standing. Imagine, if you can, being forced to stand in a
room with 5 or 6 other people, like an elevator or much much
smaller for 10 or more hours. You don't have enough room to
move. Now imagine that you're doing this in the cold,
hungry, exhausted, tortured. Now imagine that as you stand
shoulder to shoulder with the others, one of you dies and
for the next 6, 8, or 10 hours, you are pressed against this
dead person. Can you imagine that? because I can't fathom
it. Again, this leads to my feeling that this whole thing is
surreal. According to Ana, there was a Nazi assigned to the
camp whose sole job was to try to come up with new methods
of torture. That was his whole job there. To just sit and
think of new ways to torture people.
From there, we headed down the path through the camp, around
the side, and to one of the crematoria. There, hundreds of
people would be crammed into a small room where they would
be gassed and then cremated in the next room.
We left that crematoria and headed back to the main
visitor's center. On the way, I stopped off in the bookstore
and bought a book. I was just looking for an excuse to buy a
book and donate some money to the Auschwitz center. I don't
like the way they developed the whole thing, but I still
believe in supporting what it is. So I bought a book and
headed out. Took some last photos and headed to the
restaurant, another establishment I loathe that exists on
the grounds of Auschwitz, and sat and had some tea with my
compatriots. It was so cold and I needed some hot tea. How
the hell did these people survive in that weather with no
protection from the cold. I can only imagine how many people
dies from freezing and illness related to it. Many of them
must have welcomed death as a reprieve from the torture. If
I were there, I don't know what I would have done. Would I
have tried to live or would I have given up? I couldn't
judge anyone. I don't care what a person has become after
being in a death camp or what they believe. I am humbled
before them. I don't think I could have made it. I just
don't see how. The weather also made the whole thing unreal.
It just didn't seem possible. After tea, we boarded the bus
and headed back to the hotel for a really quick change and
then off to the next stop, the JCC in Krakow for Friday
night dinner. We spent the entire busride back singing all
kinds of songs. This was our defiance and our linkage. We
sang shabbos zmirot (songs), Israeli songs, Hebrew songs,
Jewish Songs, anything and everything we could think of to
show our defiance. To show that Judaism, Jews and Israel had
lived and prospered. |
Thursday Lunch & Train to Krakow - Tuesday, December
2, 2008 at 6:18pm After that, we boarded
the bus and headed for lunch at the Radio Cafe, a nice
quaint little restaurant where we could quickly order some
serious Pierogis. Since we all decided to get them in
advance in order to get a quick start on our next trip which
was to Krakow, Agnieszka placed the order while we were on
our way and when we got there, the food came pretty quickly.
We ate, we talked, we laughed (that's the whole theme in
general for this trip). I sat with Dallas, Sam and Betsy. We
got "Pierogi wild" and then headed to the train station
where we got ready to board a train to Krakow. We had a
little wait in the train station, so we hung out for about
30 minutes. During this time, The Jordo, Dallas and I people
watched and had some fun making inappropriate comments. I
took a little walk and found a whole art display on sexy
body parts (pics to follow). Dallas needed to use the mens
room, so he took The Jordo with him - that had us all
giggling for a minute. The station was a little nasty and
creepy, so I don't blame him though - but it was kind of
funny nonetheless.
This was a great trip. It was a three hour ride on a classic
train car - like the kind you see in James Bond movies.
There were separate partitions or rooms. Each room had six
seats. We had three rooms next to each other and like a
bunch of college kids hanging out in dorm rooms, we moved
around room to room. This was a lot of fun. We broke out our
laptops, showed pictures, took naps (though I don't know how
some of them napped through the noise) and laughed a hell of
a lot. We looked at photos from the night out at the bard
and laughed so loud I though we'd get thrown off the train
(or at least the James Bond theme music would start).
Agnieszka sat with me and translated, word for word, the
birth certificate of my grandmother, Tyla Rivka Kirstein
(which I had brough with me for this purpose).
One quick funny note. When we were at the station getting
ready to board, a fellow came up to Shmu to ask him
something. Since Shmu doesn't speak Polish yet (for shame,
his mother-tongue), he tapped Agnieszka and asked for her
assistance. When the man saw Agnieszka they recognized each
other and laughed and chatted a little. Turns out that he is
a Jew who is a member of Beit Warszawa, the progressive
(reform) synagogue in Warsaw. Shmu asked Agnieszka what that
was about and she told him that he was a Jew who they know
each other from Beit Warszawa. At this point, Shmuel
couldn't contain himself. So excited to meet a hidden Jew (I
think he thinks they're all hidden Jews - because he can't
recognize or find them on his own) that he starts saying out
loud how amazing it is that he met a hidden Jew right there
at the train station. How amazing it was that of all the
people roaming around and only a limited number of Jews that
we should see a hidden Jew. Of course he said this so loudly
that if the person WAS a hidden Jew he certainly was hidden
no more. Essentially, Shmuel just outed the Jew. Nice job,
Anyway, lots of discussions occured on the train, some lame,
some about religion, some about the whole Polish -Jewish
issue and the narratives, some off-color discussions, etc.
In the end, a great time was had by all on this trip. What a
fun and exciting experience to travel that way. Much better
than 5 hours on a bus. Yeeesh. We arrived at Krakow station
and walked from the station to Andel's Hotel, right near the
train station. We arrived, checked in, and went to our
rooms. The rooms are very nice. It's a new hotel. Real funky
place. Lots of colors, wierd shapes, lights, etc. The rooms
themselves where very cute. Built in furniture, stall shower
with big head, fluffy bed spread, dark wood and orange glass
coloring. It felt like a retro 60's attempt at color and
theme with a modern twist to the layout, furniture, etc. We
then changed and got ready to go out to dinner. We went to
Szara Restaurant on Main Square by walking. We walked out
the door of the hotel, to the right, under the road through
a walkway (with some street shopping booths with newspapers
and hats and bagel-like things) and down the main street.
There we were treated to a surprise traditional Thankgiving
meal, turkey and all, which was a little challenge for the
restaurant since I don't think they knew what a turkey was.
We spent a nice time together. I sat with Amy, Betsy, Jeff
and Dov. After dinner, we then headed back to the hotel. |
Thursday Lunch & Train to Krakow - Tuesday, December
2, 2008 at 6:18pm After that, we boarded
the bus and headed for lunch at the Radio Cafe, a nice
quaint little restaurant where we could quickly order some
serious Pierogis. Since we all decided to get them in
advance in order to get a quick start on our next trip which
was to Krakow, Agnieszka placed the order while we were on
our way and when we got there, the food came pretty quickly.
We ate, we talked, we laughed (that's the whole theme in
general for this trip). I sat with Dallas, Sam and Betsy. We
got "Pierogi wild" and then headed to the train station
where we got ready to board a train to Krakow. We had a
little wait in the train station, so we hung out for about
30 minutes. During this time, The Jordo, Dallas and I people
watched and had some fun making inappropriate comments. I
took a little walk and found a whole art display on sexy
body parts (pics to follow). Dallas needed to use the mens
room, so he took The Jordo with him - that had us all
giggling for a minute. The station was a little nasty and
creepy, so I don't blame him though - but it was kind of
funny nonetheless.
This was a great trip. It was a three hour ride on a classic
train car - like the kind you see in James Bond movies.
There were separate partitions or rooms. Each room had six
seats. We had three rooms next to each other and like a
bunch of college kids hanging out in dorm rooms, we moved
around room to room. This was a lot of fun. We broke out our
laptops, showed pictures, took naps (though I don't know how
some of them napped through the noise) and laughed a hell of
a lot. We looked at photos from the night out at the bard
and laughed so loud I though we'd get thrown off the train
(or at least the James Bond theme music would start).
Agnieszka sat with me and translated, word for word, the
birth certificate of my grandmother, Tyla Rivka Kirstein
(which I had brough with me for this purpose).
One quick funny note. When we were at the station getting
ready to board, a fellow came up to Shmu to ask him
something. Since Shmu doesn't speak Polish yet (for shame,
his mother-tongue), he tapped Agnieszka and asked for her
assistance. When the man saw Agnieszka they recognized each
other and laughed and chatted a little. Turns out that he is
a Jew who is a member of Beit Warszawa, the progressive
(reform) synagogue in Warsaw. Shmu asked Agnieszka what that
was about and she told him that he was a Jew who they know
each other from Beit Warszawa. At this point, Shmuel
couldn't contain himself. So excited to meet a hidden Jew (I
think he thinks they're all hidden Jews - because he can't
recognize or find them on his own) that he starts saying out
loud how amazing it is that he met a hidden Jew right there
at the train station. How amazing it was that of all the
people roaming around and only a limited number of Jews that
we should see a hidden Jew. Of course he said this so loudly
that if the person WAS a hidden Jew he certainly was hidden
no more. Essentially, Shmuel just outed the Jew. Nice job,
Anyway, lots of discussions occured on the train, some lame,
some about religion, some about the whole Polish -Jewish
issue and the narratives, some off-color discussions, etc.
In the end, a great time was had by all on this trip. What a
fun and exciting experience to travel that way. Much better
than 5 hours on a bus. Yeeesh. We arrived at Krakow station
and walked from the station to Andel's Hotel, right near the
train station. We arrived, checked in, and went to our
rooms. The rooms are very nice. It's a new hotel. Real funky
place. Lots of colors, wierd shapes, lights, etc. The rooms
themselves where very cute. Built in furniture, stall shower
with big head, fluffy bed spread, dark wood and orange glass
coloring. It felt like a retro 60's attempt at color and
theme with a modern twist to the layout, furniture, etc. We
then changed and got ready to go out to dinner. We went to
Szara Restaurant on Main Square by walking. We walked out
the door of the hotel, to the right, under the road through
a walkway (with some street shopping booths with newspapers
and hats and bagel-like things) and down the main street.
There we were treated to a surprise traditional Thankgiving
meal, turkey and all, which was a little challenge for the
restaurant since I don't think they knew what a turkey was.
We spent a nice time together. I sat with Amy, Betsy, Jeff
and Dov. After dinner, we then headed back to the hotel. |
Thursday Trip #2 - Bartosz Weglarczyk & Gazea
Wyborcza - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:18pm
We drove to the Polish daily, Gazeta Wyborcza. There we met
a man who also made a very powerful impression on us for his
insight, knowledge of politics, experience, candid nature,
and personal history. We met with Bartosz Weglarczyk, editor
of the foreign policy section of the newspaper, the biggest
in Poland. He sat with us and talked about the different
narratives of the Poles and Jews but then went on to answer
all kinds of questions about his opinion on the Missile
Defense plan of the US to place defense missiles on the
border of Poland, the Barack Obama win for president,
Israeli-Polish armed service cooperation and how there's
Polish technology in every tank in Israel, Jedwabne masacre
and the effect it had on attitude changes in Poland, Hillary
Clinton as foreign secretary (or is that state secretary?),
Iran and Ahmidanejad, the ability for Poland to protect the
US with the missile defense shield, and more. After all of
that, which was extremely interesting, he went on to tell us
his personal story (after being pushed by Agnieszka). Here's
his story....
He is a hidden Jew. There are an estimated 5000 Jews in
Poland and maybe as many as another 30,000-40,000 hidden
Jews. Jews who may or may not know they have Jewish roots.
Jews that hid their religion and heritage from everyone to
hide from the Nazis and Russians and had never passed this
information to their children. He is one of them. As an
adult, he was with his mother when a thank you letter
arrived from Steven Spielberg addressed to his grandmother.
Not understanding what this was about (after reading it
because it was in English and his family didn't speak
english), he brought it to his grandmother to ask what it
was about. The text had to do with thanking her for her
story and wanting to use her story for some production. His
grandmother denied any knowledge whatsoever about this
letter or Steven Spielberg. He pressed her and she denied
any knowledge every time. As time went on, he continued to
press and there was only denial. Eventually, he took the
info to a friend of his at some museum (or something) to ask
what this was all about. The friend found a folder
containing information that was sealed and not to be opened
by family members. Bartosz went to on to convince his friend
to let him have a look and what he saw amazed him. It was
the history of his grandmother, written by his grandmother.
It went something like this....when his grandmother was
young and in the Warsaw ghetto, the family had found a local
priest who, for a fee, would smuggle in some documents to
help you escape, such as false identification papers. The
fee was high and the parents had very little money (they
used to be wealthy). They calculated that they could only
afford enough to send two people. They had to decide who
would be sent out with the hopes of survival. They knew that
it was only going to get worse. After working it out, they
decided they needed to send the sturdiest male and female so
that the family could live on. The decision was that his
grandmother and her sister's husband (her brother-in-law)
would be sent out as a couple to try to live out the war and
continue the Jewish family. This is what happened. The two
of them fled the ghetto and went on to create a family and
have children...this woman and her brother-in-law. The rest
of the family perished. How crazy is that? Imagine being the
sister and having to agree to send your husband and sister
off to live and have children. Makes me want to cry just
thinking about it. Anyway, he brought this information to
his grandmother for confirmation but she refused to confess
to it. Maybe she just refused or maybe she no longer
remembered or maybe she blocked it from memory. Regardless,
she eventually passed away and he hadn't gotten an answer as
to whether or not she had written it (though all proof was
that she had, she vehemently denied it to the very end and
claimed it must have been a mistake). Eventually, he had an
opportunity to contact Steven Spielberg, so he did and met
with him. While there, he took the opportunity to speak to
Steven and confirm the story. Bartosz was able to confirm
the truth of the story and that the story was, in fact,
about his grandmother. This being the case, he now found
himself to be one of the many hidden Jews of Poland (pics to
follow). Bartosz was defitely one of the highlights of the
trip. His experience, knowledge, and personality were all
top notch. He was exciting to listen to. We could have
spoken to him all day. What a highlight! I hope I have the
chance to meet him again one day. |
Thursday Morning Trip #1 - Mr. Nosowski, editor of
Wiez - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:17pm
Thursday morning. I can't believe how fast this trip is
going. I'm going to be very sad when it's over. We met up in
the hotel lobby (oh how unusual) and boarded the bus with
our tour guide (don't remember her name). We drove through
Warsaw as she pointed out to us different landmarks and
buildings, such as some built during the communist era and
the such. This wasn't just a tour of Jewish places, but of
Warsaw in general. We got out and went for a walk through
the town center as our guide gave us info about it. We then
headed over to meet with Zbigniew Nosowski, editor of Wiez,
a catholic monthly magazine. This was an interesting
meeting. He gave us the dual perspectives on the Jewish and
Polish experience, but we wanted to push him on the issue of
Radio Maria. Shmuel and Jeff and Gail pushed with lots of
questions, but ultimately, he was very evasive and would go
into strange historical statements that were really just
lame excuses. Radio Maria is the radio station that, while
not overtly anti-semitic, clearly pushes the limits by
allowing callers on their show to "express their opinions"
that are usually rather anti-semitic. They are not
interested in dialog with other groups, only to stoke the
fire of anti-semitism and to use pronouns rather than say
"Jews" so that they don't get in trouble, since outright
anti-semitic rhetoric like that would not be tolerated.
Anyway, so we pressed him on these issues and he would say
things like, the cardinal in charge of this area doesnt
speak Polish and is uncomfortable taking a strong stance
against Radio Maria because he hasn't heard it himself.
Other lame answers were things like since the catholic
church is not very organized in control, there's noone who
can really stop them. When pressed to explain why the Pope
himself couldn't put out an edict to shut it down, his
answer was that the Pope hasn't heard the broadcasts, so he
doesn't know what it is. Yet, if the station were catholic
and espousing abortion or birth control, we're pretty sure
we know what would happen. We came to the realization that
the issue is this. Radio Maria serves about a million people
of the older generation. People who feel disenfranchised by
all the technology changes and post-soviet occupation
changes. They have not adapted and are fans of some of the
classic anti-semitic rhetoric. Additionally, this station
has many other programs that are not anti-semitic.
Therefore, this station serves the church well in the
capacity of reaching a million listeners who might otherwise
not have any connection. The fact that there is some
anti-semitism thrown in is just an unfortunate side effect.
It's the collateral damage of having the station and, quite
frankly, that collateral damage isn't so big to the church.
They reach millions of people with good prayers and sermons
and, if in the process there is a little anti-semitism, then
that's just a shame. It's just not important enough to get
anyone to step in and shut it down. We finished out meeting
with Zbigniew and headed out to our next meeting. |
Wednesday Night.... - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:17pm
After dinner we sat around and laughed about how ridiculous
some of the meeting was and what a shame the situation is.
I'm sorry if I offend anyone in this blog, but I think that
this was the prevailing thought/feeling. We took some nice
photos. and headed out. By the way, the Jordo is friggin
hilarious. I had some fun making him close the door every
time it was left open during dinner. He was my bee-atch. Amy
had on a beautiful large pearl necTklace. I think he really
likes pearl necklaces. After we sat around a little in the
restaurant, we headed back to the hotel. |
Wednesday Trip #5 - Dinner with the Israeli
Ambassador - Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:16pm
We met in the hotel lobby, dressed to the nines, and headed
out to the restaurant. The Ambassador was outside waiting
for us with his security personnel. We went inside and had
dinner. I must say, this was not the most exciting
conversation I've ever seen or been involved with. He spoke
very very slowly and did not seem very exciting about
anything. We pushed him with some important questions, such
as whether he can help get the Israeli armed forces and
Poland together in a way that will allow the Israelis to
meet normal Poles. Right now, they come to see Holocaust
memorials and concentration/death camps but don't spend any
time looking at the life of Poland and the positive Jewish
history. They only see death and more death and destruction.
This causes a real negative impression to be had by the
Israelis. Shmuel and others pushed to get some committment
from him on this and other issues, but he's sort of a lame
duck. He will be retiring in a year and really doesn't
appear to have much power or even care to make a difference.
Generally, if you've been reading my blogs, you know that I
am not a negative writer. I don't subscribe to what I call
"hate blogging" just to stir up trouble, but I must say, in
this case, that I had no choice. I hope for Poland, Israel,
and the Poles'/Jew's sake, the next Ambassador from Poland
is not like David Peleg, the current Ambassador. They need
someone with power and passion. Someone who believes in
making a difference, bringing not only the contries together
but the people, and someone who will effect change and
foster dialog. A powerful Israeli ambassador has the
potential to do amazing things and I hope that wehn Peleg is
done with his term, Poland (we) get that person. |
Wednesday Lunch & Trip #4 to Uprising Museum -
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 6:15pm We
then went to the Atrio Restaurant for lunch. No speaker, but
it was nice having Andrzej with us again. We sat around and
talked about oh, I don't know, everything and anything. I
sat next to Jeff, Amy, Shlomit and Dallas. Had some nice
discussions about religion, orthodoxy, my views, etc. When I
was done boring them to death, we finished lunch and headed
out to our next stop....a visit to the Warsaw Uprising
Museum (which they constantly refer to as Warsaw Rising).
Very interesting museum dedicated to the members of the
Polish underground who resisted the Nazis and Russians and
died trying. Eventually, they lost and Warsaw was taken by
the Germans. In the process, Germany essentially leveled the
entire city. They destroyed everything. Of all the building
and culture of Poland from pre-WWII, everything, including
information and documents, was totally destroyed. The city
of Warsaw, as is seen today, was completely rebuilt in the
1950's, by the communists, as an insult to the Germans. They
used pictures and other information to reconstruct all the
building almost exactly as they had been prior to the war.
Anyway, in the museum is lots of information and artifacts
(as I guess one would expect in a museum) pertaining to the
uprising of the Poles against the Nazis. One of the
interesting things in the museum is a brick tunnel, which
feels just like a sewer tunnel of the era, that you can walk
through in complete darkness. It is a little bit of a maze
and when you make your way out, your back where you started.
The purpose it to emulate what it was like to be an
underground Polish fighter crawling through the sewers
during WWII only we did it for 2 minutes. They would do it
for hours - like half a day (see pics). When we finished
looking at the exhibits (and movie) in the museum, we eaded
back to our hotel to change into fancy clothing in
preparation for meeting the Israeli Ambassador to Poland for
Dinner. We also had a little free time, so I hit the gym.
Free weights and treadmill is all I used. There wasn't much
more. They had one weight machine and some stationery bikes.
That's it, but it did the job. |
Wednesday Trip #3 - Professor Dariusz Stola - Tuesday,
December 2, 2008 at 6:15pm These blog notes to be
added later...... |
Wednesday Trip #2 - High School - Tuesday, December
2, 2008 at 6:14pm We then went on to do
what I think is one of the COOLEST parts of the whole
program, possibly the best! We all went to a high school, a
standard, slightly above average high school, where we got
to meet a class of students with a specialty in linguistics.
We sat at the front and placed nametags on ourselves. Jeff
put his name in Hebrew (he's such a super Jew). I put MY
name in Polish (Awi). The students had their names on name
tags too. I thought it nice and interestng that most of
their names were the same as ours (for the most part). Many
names similar to american names like Anna, Filip, etc. We
sat at the front of the class and a leader from the Forum
had us introduce ourselves to the students, tlling them who
we are, what we did for a living, etc. I also told them that
I am of Polish decent and my name is Szymczak (which is not
an uncommon Polish name). After that, the leader had us
organize ourselves in chronological order by birthdate in a
long winding, snaking line (because the room was too small).
This first project was fun as it caused everyone to
integrate regardless of friends, relations, and comfort
zone. I always like to do stuff like that because it
automatically breaks down all walls and barriers. After we
assembled ourselves, the leader used that line to divide us
into groups, by placing Jan-April in one, May-Aug in a
second, and Sept-Dec in a third. Then, because there wasn't
enough diversity in a group, a few modifications were made.
Once in the group, we had a few tasks.
After pulling our chairs around to sit in the group, we were
given the task of looking at a bunch of pictures created by
the leader and handed out to each group. We spread the pics
on the floor so that they could all be seen. We then had two
people pick 2 pictures from the group so that we may discuss
them. The pictures consisted of Jewish items, such as a
Kippah, The Western Wall, a Menorah, etc. They also
consisted of uniquey Polish items such as the Guardian
Mermaid of Warsaw (long story, don't ask), A palm tree that
exists on Jerusalem Street in Warsaw (it's fake, of course -
but snow on a palm tree did catch my attention), a child in
traditional Polish clothing, etc. and a few pictures of
things that could have been both, such as a soccer player.
One of the pictures that was chosen and discussed was a
kippah. It had a menorah and start of david on it. It looked
very stereotypical of a kippah, so I decided to take mine
out of my pocket and put it on. They found it interesting.
The leader noticed me wearing it and asked me to speak about
it a little bit, which I did. Shmuel then took his out too
for everyone to see. I don't think Jeff did but only because
he probably didn't have it with him. He wore it at many
other opportunities, so I assume he would have had he had it
(but that's just conjecture). We then were given another
task. We were given huge sheets of paper and had to come up
with lists of things tha we could think of that represented
Polish and Jewish culture that had NOT been included in the
pictures. Items like Tel-Aviv, Pope John Paul II, and other
items were discussed. We posted the items up on the
blackboard and each team discussed their decisions. When
this was over, about an hour had passed and it was time to
go. It would have been nice to spend more time with them.
They were a really really nice group of kids. I had a great
time with them talking about other things too, like our
names and where my family is from. We then said our goodbyes
and filed out talking about what a nice experience it was
with them. |
Wednesday Morning..Museum of History - Tuesday,
December 2, 2008 at 6:13pm Good Wednesday
Morning. We met in the hotel in the morning after breakfast,
like always, and started out. Since the museum was not too
far from the hotel, we decided to walk. Luckily, it was only
about 10 degrees below zero. Of course, I'm kidding. It
couldn't have been more than 5. We walked together to our
first stop, the Museum of History of Polish Jews. This
meeting was mostly about introducing us to the new museum
that they are raising funds to build. They have already been
granted a plot of land by Poland in the Warsaw area right
next to the Momument for the uprising and the deportation.
See pics for details. We sat through a powerpoint
presentation where where the person giving the presentation
(I forgot her name) showed us the look of the planned
building. Very interesting. It is an all glass skin with a
huge cutout in the middle in the shape of a wave (sort of).
The reason is to show the splitting of the sear through
which Moses and the Jews had passed. I'm not one to ask why
the splitting of the sea, since it idn't happen in Poland,
but...whatever. Anyway, we sat through the meeting, asked
some questions about it and also got to see the slides about
the design for the inside. The concept is that the inside
goes through a circular layout with different periods of
time represented in different places. Turn of the first
mellenium (when Jews were arriving in Poland), the mideval
times, 19th century, 20th century, war time and ghettos,
etc. Overall, it looked very nice and is planned to be
completed in 2011. We'll see if that happens. See pics below
for detail. |
for the trip from others.... - Monday, December 1, 2008 at
6:22pm Does anyone else have to send me any pics? I
already have from....
Amy, Betsy, Dalas, myself, Shmuel, and John
I think I need from Sam and Shlomit.
I spoke with Nina who will be seding them to me.
If need to get them from you, please message and let me know
to wait for them. I'll send you my mailing address and you
can send me your pics via CD or on a memory stick
(thumbdrive). I'll send it back with your disk.
I'll be putting the pics on DVD and sending them out to
everyone because there are too many to fit on a CD. Also,
I'll clean up the garbage shots and order them
chronologically and, in a seperate folder, randomly for
slideshow purposes. I'll also rotate them and red eye them.
It will take a little while, but I'll try to get it out as
soon as I can. There are only 2000 to go through, so it
shouldn't take more than a few hours (not).
Love to my Nowe Radzina !

NOWE RADZINA ! Wooooooooooo !
(Back Row L to R) Dallas, Nina, Jeff, Shlomit, Gail,
Dov, Agnieszka, Jordan
(Front Row L to R) Betsy, John, Amy, Avi, Sam, Shmuel
Note that's out of synch.... - Monday, December 1,
2008 at 6:07pm Hey all. Sorry this note is
out of chronological order, but I had to get it off before I
forget what happened. I'll continue with the Wednesday and
on notes from the Forum trip when I'm on the plane and post
them when I land. I'll need hours to write and I just
haven't had time. In the meantime, here's what happened
today and yesterday (Sam and Avilicious Genealogical Tour
2008, ak.a. Jeans, Genealogy & Genetics Tour 2008, a.k.a
Drobin There Done That Tour 2008)....
Shmu and I got picked up yesterday at the Krakow hotel by
Tomascz, our genealogical researcher and guide. The drive
from Krakow to Plock (Pwotsk) is 7 hrs. Therefore, we spent
the day driving and sightseeing. We had to pass through
Warsaw to get to Plock, so we first stopped off at a few
Shtetls along the way. Well, old Shtetls anway. Now, they're
just towns. When you look at the countryside, you see town
after town after town. They are about 50 km apart from each
other. Tomascz is very well educated in the history of Jews
on Poland and is going for his PhD at the University of
Krakow. His research has been on Jews and Poland and Israel,
etc. He is extremely knowledgable in customs, law, rules,
language, really - everything. He gave us great history
lessons during the drive and took us on some side trips
through the towns to show us the old synagogues. I'll upload
pictures another time. We saw almost unrecognizable
buildings and, when looking further, and with Tomascz's
help, spent time looking at wat used to be synagogues. Some
large, some small, but all in a state of disrepair.
On the way, we passed an old abondoned Jewish cemetery.
Tomascz taught us a lot. Most cemeteries, certainly the ones
in small towns, are gone (for the most part). The Nazis used
the cemeteries as places to execute people. I guess this was
some sort of sick joke on their part. They would march
people out of town to the cemeteries (assuming they were
women, children, or elderly). The younger men were used for
slave labor or sent to the extermination camps. This was the
case, as we saw and learned, over and over and over. The
recurring theme of how the Nazis treated the Jews really
stood out to me as we visited these Shtetls. They were all
set up similarly in the beginnng....town square in the
middle, church and synagogue nearby, lots of little homes,
cemetery outside the city limits. It's what was done
everywhere. Nazis took control and did the same horrible
things at every location. Burned/destroyed the synagogue,
executed people, shipped them off, etc. What a sick bunch of
animals. The Jews had about 900 beautiful years of history
in Poland (not including some periodic anti-semitic
flare-ups - which happened everywhere) but now it's all
gone. The cemetery we drove past was on the side of the
highway. We just puled over and walked in. Headstones
(matzayvot) piled in the corner of the cemetery that had
been dug up during road construction or other times. The
headstones had been removed and used for paving roads and
sidewalks whenever possible, by the Germans. Later, when
they were found by Poles, they were returned to the
cemetery, if possible.
One of the synagogues, without a roof, looked more like 4
brick walls surrounding a small field. The inside of the
synagogue was completely overgrown with grass, weeds,
bushes, etc. It was as if there had never been a roof at
all. It used to be a synagogue. Then, during the war, it was
used for grain storage and other kinds of storage. I took
pictures of the building, the grass inside, and the cut out
in the wall where the Aron Kodesh used to be. Without
Tomascz's help, we would never had even known it was a
In another one, we saw where the roof was almost, but not
completely, caved in. The inside had been spray painted and
it was essentially a garbage dump for empty beer and vodka
bottles. Hundreds of bottles littered the inside. We
couldn't see much of the inside except through windows
because the doors had been cemented shut. In Plock, we saw
the synagogue. It sits next to a small shopping area and
simply ooks like an abandoned building.
We finished touring the old Shtetls and headed into Plock to
our destination, a quaint little inn called Hotel Czardasz.
It's a new, beautifully remodeled little hotel in the middle
of an oil refinery town. The reason we stayed here was so
that we could be close to the main archival office for the
Plock district. The Plock district includes the towns that
my father's side of the family comes from. It includes
Drobin, Sierpc (Sherps), and Raciaz (Rahchoinz). The
majority of our Solomon side of the Family (including
Solomon (Szymczak) and Kirstein come from Drobin.
We went to bed and got up nice and early. The three of us
(me, Shmu, and Tomasz) headed out nice and early (after a
quick breakfast) and went to the archival building (pics to
follow). In there, Tomasz filled out a bunch of forms and,
with the help of some research both he and I did on JRI
Poland (a genealogical Poland search database from the LDS),
we ordered the ORIGINAL copies of the registration books of
birth, marriage, and death. The registration books dated
back from 1826 until 1890. We didn't look for more recent
data than that (for now). We spent about 6 hours pouring
over the books, finding original records of Szymczak and
Kirstein and making copies of the data (pics to follow from
the original books). We found some amazing books. We have
added dozens and dozens of pieces of data to our database
including records of one of our
great-great-great-grandfathers dating back to the mid
1700's. It was all quite amazing. When I have a chance to
scan the document(s), I'll post them too.
After we were done and got all our data, there was one piece
of data we needed from another town. The record books in
Plock store info only that is over 100 years. If it is less
than 100 years, then it is stored in the local districts.
This means that if we want any data more recent than about
1908, we need to go to the towns of Sierpc, Drobin, and
Raciaz. With the information we had and knowing what we
needed and how valuable robin is, we headed in that
direction. The archives close at 3pm, and we got there with
only 3 minutes to spare. Tomasc went straight to the records
room and spoke with a person there. She pulled out the books
we found the record we needed. We paid the copy fee for the
page (5 zloty - about $1.75) and ran out to do a quick tour
of Drobin. We asked some locals where the local Jewish
cemetery was and they pointed it right out. It was EMPTY. I
mean empty. Grass, weeds, that's it. The only way you know
it was a cemetery is because there's a memorial headstone
placed in the middle that states what it is and that it is
to memorialize the murders (pics to follow).
We then found out (from that older couple) that there was
another cemetery too. The first one we saw was the "new"
cemetery. So we went to the old one. It is a soccer field in
the back of a school. Obviously, no headstones there either.
The coupld told us that in the corner of the plot, on the
corner towards the school is where the synagogue of Drobin
used to stand. Of course, there's nothing there now. Also,
in front of the synagogue area was a house which still
stands and is used as a house. It used to be the Mikveh.
We then drove to the town square and took some photos and
looked at old buildings. There, we found an old
disintegrating building right off the town square that was
off limits. On close examination, I found the markings of
where a mezuzah USED to be (pics to follow).
After that, it was late (4:30pm), so we discussed our plans
for the next day. We headed back to the Hotel Czardasz and
checked in. The three of us then met in the restaurant
downstairs for dinner and to analyze the data we had
gathered. Tomascz was able to reconstruct most of our
information. We're just missing a few pieces. Once we get
those pieces, hopefully tomorrow, we'll be able to present
some pretty amazing detail. If not, I now have a good
relationship with a knowledgable and experienced researcher
who I can hire, from the states, to find some last bits of
information for me when I need it.
PLUG FOR TOMASCZ: If anyone needs a really good researcher
for genealogical information, drop me a line so I can hook
you up with him. He speaks English and Polish perfectly and
can read and decipher Russian too. He also speaks French,
but that doesn't help me. We analyzed the data for about 5
hours and headed off to bed (or to blog).
That's it. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. I believe
our goal is to hit the archives in Sierpc for some info and
then to go to Raciaz for some more info. In the meantime,
we're putting a call in to the archivist in Plock so that he
can look up the one or two pieces of info that we're missing
from earlier today.
Shout out to my Nowe Radzina !
Do widzenia. |
Day 2 - night event. went partying - Thursday,
November 27, 2008 at 7:12pm After the
movie, we started heading back to the bus. On the way, we
stopped at a stand to get some food. Some of us were still
hungry. Jordan and Dov went to get a food
called.....Zapiekanka. It's a long roll, like an Italian
bread, sliced in half and filled with god knows what. We got
ne regular and a few vegetarian ones. It's like barbecue
sauce, cheese and cabbage. I know that doesn't sound
appetizing, but how can you say no to a Zapiekanka, know
what I mean? Anyway, wile Jordan and Dov were ordering it,
Gail (I believe) had the idea to sing happy birthday to
Jordan since he turned 30. Well, I can't take a dare sitting
down, so I ran out of the bus and headed for them at the
stand. Everyone followed me shortly thereafter at which
point, at the top of our lungs, at 12:15am, we sang Jordan a
happy birthday song, took pictures, and made him blush (or
maybe his cheeks were red from the cold or maybe someone was
pinching his other cheeks) anyway, that was fun.
We then bussed over to Cinnamon (as talked about previously)
and partied hardy. We had lots of Vodka and other strange
colored drinks. I put my camera away for the night because
my camera is used for the blogs and we all know the famous
saying....."What hHappens in Warsaw stays in Warsaw" or as
the Poles might say "What Happens in Warszawa stays in
Warszawa". Anyway, we danced a lot, we drank a lot....did I
say we drank a lot?...and had a really nice time (except for
Dallas who lost his coat - JK, he had a great time. I know,
I watched him wobble back to his room - hehe). With all the
name dropping that's going on here, I think it's time to
name the people (or out them) who are on the trip.....
You've got:
1,2 - Me (Avi) and Shmu (Brothers)
3,4 - Shlomit and Dov (Mother/Son)
5,6 - Betsy and Amy (Mother/Daughter)
7 - Dallas
8,9 - Gail and John (Husband/Wife)
10 - Nina
11 - Jeff
12 - Jordan ("The Jordo")
13 - Sam
plus our fearless leader, Agnieszka, from the Forum
and, occasionally, Andrzej, also from the Forum who sort of
pops in and out unexpectedly (for me).
So, at this point, I want to talk a little bit about us. By
us, I mean the group of 13 of us who are on this trip. I
must say that if I had to do a trip with other people, there
aren't any other 12 people I could think of that I would
rather be with than the 12 I'm with on this trip. It is
absolutely amazing (or maybe destiny) that all 13 of us are
so compatible or homogenous. The group is a very cohesive
group. Everyone seems to be very special. Eventhough we all
come from very different backgrounds and have made different
choices in our lives, we seem to be extremely compatible and
get along great. We have Jew and Non-Jew, Married couples,
Parents with Children, Siblings, Orthodox, Reform,
Conservative, Single, Married, with and without Children,
The Jordo (just in his own class), Lawyers, Business Men,
Representatives of Jewish Agencies, such as ADL and others,
etc. We have such a wide variety of people, such a dynamic
mix and yet we all play really well together. We are all
very lucky that we are together in this group. We all went
drinking together...everyone of us...and danced together. We
just had a smashing time and I know I feel, and I believe I
speak for all of the others on the trip, that we have known
each other forever and intend to, for the most part, stay in
touch. This whole experience has been just one fantastic
revelation after the next. I feel so very blessed to have
been given this opportunity and don't know how I could have
existed without it. That being said....
I feel I owe an enormous gratitude to a bunch of people, so
I'll spill it now....To Shlomit and Dov, whose son/brother
recommended Shmu to the Forum, to my brother Shmu for
sponsoring me on this trip and taking the time to do some
brotherly bonding that we've never had such an opportunity
to experience together. To Heidi, Shmu's assistant, who
helped organize our schedules and get us off without a
hitch, To the Forum for Dialog Among Nations and especially
Andrzej for making me feel welcome and bringing me to
Poland. Without question, Agnieszka, who has taught me,
inspired me, educated me, and who has been patient with me
while I practice my Polish and has taken the time to really
make this trip fantastic through her efforts at delivering a
top notch program and executing it to perfection. There
isn't enough I can say about her and the value she brings to
the program on a thousand levels. Last, I also want to thank
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
for supporting the trip, the Forum, and Jewish-Polish
causes. This has been just a fantastic trip and a fantastic
I've been typing for two hours, so I think I'll go to bed
now. Considering what I went through on Tuesday night with
the movie, I'm a little worried (ok, maybe more than a
little worried) about what will happen to me at Auschwitz
(Oswiecim). I had no ability to control myself in front of a
movie screen. What will happen to me when I go to Auschwitz?
How will I handle it? I just don't know what to expect and
feel nervous about it. Speak to you later......Tomorrow,
I'll start to add Wednesday's and Thursdays blogs. Probably
won't add Friday's until Saturday night...actually, now that
I think about it, Saturday night we might be busy "drinking
Pole-juice" - which could be anything.....until your
blood-alcohol level says otherwise. 'Night.

That's one friggin awesome
Zapiekanka. Remember John - "Is that a Zapiakanka in
your pocket or are you just happy to see me." Hehe. The
Jordo and Dallas enjoying a 'kanka. I have a nickname
for it already. Cool. These sandwiches and I are on a
first name basis. We're informal like that.

Gail, Agnieszka, and Dov 'kankaing -
as in the verb "to 'kanka"
Day 2 - second event - the movie. - Thursday,
November 27, 2008 at 6:23pm We only had an
opportunity to do two things on Tuesday because of the
amount of time of travel to Lodz. 2.5 Hrs each way by bus
plus all the things we saw. It was now time for the premier
of the film Spring 1941.
The reason I hadn't written about it until now is two-fold.
First, I have had limited time to write because we've been
so busy. Second, and more importantly, I haven't been able
to bring myself to do it until now.
With a deep sigh and a look into the mirror, I know I must.
The problem is, I don't know that I can do it justice. The
move Spring 1941 is the first Israeli-Polish collaborated
film released to the general public. Directed by Uri
Barbash, it is based on the stories of Ida Fink and tells
the story of a world famous cellist, Clara Plank, who
returns to Poland, her country of birth, for the first time
since WWII (excerpted from the Forum's Itinerary).
This was the Polish premiere of the film, so the stars of
the film were in the audience with us. The movie is
cinematographically very well executed. The use of lighting,
fades, and other effects made it very pleasent to watch. The
actors/actresses were amazing.
The detail of the movie is what got me. Clara, a mother of
two children, had to run from the Nazis along with her
physician husband. In so doing, she witnessed the execution
of one of her children as they tried to climb a fence out of
town. After that, they went into hiding by going to a farm
town and enlisting the help of their maid, a single woman.
They hide in her attic. Soon after, Clara's husband starts
to live in the house while Clara and their remaining child
live in the attic. I don't want to go into too much detail
because you NEED to see the movie. However, the story does
not end happily, though you might have thought it would. The
director almost tricks you into thinking that there will be
a happy ending to this story, but instead, you are not.
Nothing about the story ends well and while it is a fiction
because it addresses no one true story, it is actually a
true story millions of times over. This suffering was the
fate of the Jews of Poland during the Holocaust. It was also
the suffering of the Poles, the Priests, the collaborators,
and all righteous gentiles that got caught, along with their
neighbors. The Nazis were sick bastards.
This may all just seem like a depressing movie, but instead
of just watching it, I apparently fell into it. I became a
part of the movie which, if you ask actors, they will tell
you that that is the ultimate goal. The suspension of
disbelief. It was as if I was watching a documentary or
historical movie. As the movie came to a close, the saddest
parts were revealed and the movie rolled to credits. At this
point, I lost it. I mean I really lost it. While watching
the credits roll my eyes filled with tears and I began
sobbing uncontrollably. I don't know if it was the movie or
the fact that this movie culminated 2 and a half days of
deep introspection and self discovery. Maybe I am somewhat
hyper-sensitive right now or maybe my nerves and emotions
are raw because of what I have been experiencing. Either
way, I was unable to control myself. For maybe 10 minutes
(or 2 or an eternity, I don't really know), I just sat in my
seat and sobbed into my hands. I was about 10 rows in and in
the center of the row. Shmu was sitting next to me and just
put his hand on my back as a gesture of support. Eventually
Agnieszka came and sat with me too. For the longest time, I
just cried and heaved and cried. I couldn't catch my breath
and I could contain my feelings. What I had seen (or when I
had seen it) caused me to feel a deep, deep sadness that I
have never felt at a movie before. I have never cried so
close to my soul from watching a show.
After I was able to regain my composure, which I don't
really know how long that was, I picked up my coat and
headed out of the theater. In the lobby there was food and
drinks set up for a celebration of the premiere. I went to
the drink table and got a grapefruit juice thinking the
juice or sugar might help me. I was in a daze. I'm having
trouble explaining it, really. I was unable to focus. I was
emotionally drained. I felt like I had truly witnessed
people I know being murdered, along with their children, and
felt their intense parental pain. The drink didn't help, so
I got a second one. Halfway through, I didn't think I could
stand any longer as I was chilled, shaking uncontrollably,
and my knees felt weak. I put the glass down and walked over
to a bench and sat for a while trying to regain my
composure. After a few minutes, I got up and walked over to
Uri, the producer, and instead of shaking his hands like
everyone else just hugged him and sobbed. He was very
gracious and hugged me back, twice. I apologized for my
inability to control myself for what I had just witnessed
and thanked him for getting me to that very special, and
painful, place. I guess it sounds a little odd to thank
someone for the pain, but I didn't know what else to say.
What he did affected me so deeply that I was no longer in
control of myself.
I then went over to the actors who starred in the film,
Joseph Fiennes and Neve McIntosh and thanked them personally
for bringing me into their film.
Even now, when I think about what I felt and try to feel it,
it makes my heart skip a beat. It was an unbelievably deep
feeling of sorrow - as if the story was being told about me
and it were true and I had been through the ghetto life,
running from the Nazis, and watching them murder my children
(G-d forbid).
It took me about an hour to fully regain my composure.
And again, after typing all of this above in a single
motion, my chest is heavy and I sigh, reliving the emotional
charge I had that night watching the film.
To see an excerpt on it and read a little more, go to:
I know that it had not gotten great reviews in the press,
but it really got a hold of me in a life changing way.

picture of the actors/actresses and
others involved in the production of the film
And so....day 2 begins. - Wednesday, November 26,
2008 at 9:28pm We wake up and meet at some
ungodly (for a drunk) hour in the lobby of the hotel after
breakfast. Breakfast is included and we eat in the main
dining area off the bar area. I've generally eaten my
protein shakes, a bowl of healthy cereal, and a fruit. Then
I took 3 for the road. Did this the previous morning too.
Some of us eat breakfast together. We meet up in the lobby
and head for the bus. We got a new, bigger bus now because
we're going to Lodz and the drive is about 2.5 hours each
way. The first bus was smaller and cramped. The new one has
a little more room for us to stretch out. While heading to
Lodz, Agnieszka starts giving us some info on Lozd history
from the front of the bus. When a question was asked that
she didn't know the answer, Shmu googled it on his
blackberry. At this point, he offered to just read the
article, so he took the mic. We drove through some real
suburban and country looking areas. We noticed that the land
looked like it would if you were driving through corn
country USA (except for the snow and the dang freezing
weather). See pictures attached.
We spoke about all kinds of politically charged stuff from
Radio Mario, a radio station that permits indirect
anti-semitic rhetoric to social policies and norms based on
the fact that Poland is 95% catholic. We asked Agnieszka
some questions such as the legality of birth control devices
or abortion. We spoke further about how the Nazis killed the
Aristocracy or Intelligencia, mostly made of Jews, doctors,
lawyers, etc. The purpose of this was to leave Poland with
nothing more than peasants. I learned here, and again since,
that the Germans wanted to kill the Jews but enslave the
Poles. They did everything they could to leave Poland with
no education, no aristocracy, no hope of being anything more
than a slave or surf class of citizen just barely higher on
the scale than Jews.
When we arrived at Lodz, we went straight (after going in
circles and getting lost, so much for GPS) to the Radegast
train station. This was a main station for the deportation
of Jews. There is very detailed recordings of the Jews who
were deported. The train station has a train car
(authenticaly made at that time), and many monuments to the
Holocaust. See pics below. Lodz was the second largest urban
center in Poland and obtained rights in the 15th century. It
was very accommodating to Jews and one of the richest (if
not the richest) inhabitant of the city was Poznanski who
ran a huge textile factory employing 12,000 people in an
area so large that it has since been converted to a shopping
center and has hundreds of stores, restaurants, and the
such. it is HUGE. I believe I have pictures...I'll check.
Lodz was the second largest jewish community in Europe with
approxiamtely 233,000 Jewish residents. Lodz was made up of
Poles, Jews, Germans, and others. When the Nazis came, the
Germans allied immediately and all hope was lost. Jews
couldn't hide because the Germans would rat them out. Before
that, there were 17 political parties that were Jewish
(aside from the others). The city was home to outstanding
Jewish authors, poets, and musicians. On the way to Lodz, we
found some anti-semitic graffiti. Anti Semitic Grafiti in
Lodz is put there not because of any strong anti-semitic
feelings but as a tease that soccer teams use to poke fun at
each other. There are two soccer teams in Lodz and they are
very competitive. Both were primarily made of Jews years
ago, but now, there are none. Nevertheless, it became a
custom to use anti-semitic graffiti for teasing each other.
The graffiti is really innocuous. A star of David painted on
a wall is not much of an anti-semitic statement. It's not
like they're drawing swatstikas.
At the train station we met Jaroslaw Nowak, Senior Advisor
to the Mayor of the City of Lodz. Lodz had its name changed
during the war to Litzmannstadt and the ghetto at Lodz was
known as the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. After the tour of the
train station, we went with Jaroslaw to the Lodz cemetery,
the largest in Europe. There, we saw many gravestones (since
the cemetery is mostly intact). We saw very exotic/expensive
ones. We then went to an area known as the ghetto burial
where thousands of people who died in the ghetto (for many
reasons) were buried. Israel has a joint program between
Poland and the Israeli Army where they come every year to
fix up and place markers at the burial site for the bodies
that are buried. After leaving the cemetery, we went to
Poznanski's textile factory. Within walking distance of the
factory is one of Poznanski's 5 palaces. We toured the
palace and then went to one of the restaurants in the
factory area with Jaroslaw and had lunch. The restaurant was
Bella Napoli Restaurant.
After this, we gathered back on the bus and headed back to
Survivors Park. This is a park that was put together to
commemorate the survivors of the Holocaust. It was an unused
and filthy plot of land that was cleaned up and designated
as a park for commemoration of what happened. There are
steps on the ground with names and walls with names. The
walls are in the shape of a star of david but that is hard
to see unless you go up on the viewing mountain they built.
It's a small hill that has a winding walking path to the
top. From there, if you look out at the memorial, you can
see the shape. I tried to capture that in my photo, but it
came out a bit dark. After that, we got back on the bus and
headed to Warsaw. I have lots of pics of this trip, so take
a look.
Next came a return to the hotel for a short time to relax
and get dressed and then on to the next event which was the
Premiere Opening of a new, and for the first time,
israeli-polish film called "Spring1941" or "Wiosna1941". I
will end here because it is 3:27am and I must get to sleep.
What I have to say about this film and my feeling afterwards
is, to me, positively unimaginable in ways I could never
have thought. I'm really looking forward to blogging about
this film because it changed me profoundly. I am a different
person now because of it. You must stay tuned for the next
update to the bog regarding this film and the rest of the
evening. Then I'll go on to Wednesday. Really! stay tuned
for what I have to say about the film. It was un(real).

This is Agnieszka, our leader from
the Forum. She is one of the sweetest people I've ever
met. I wish her luck with everything and am very sad
that we'll be leaving her company next week.

Another pic of Agnieszka.

Shmu reading about Lodz
into the microphone from his blackberry after googling

A view of a farm from the areas we drove through to get
to Lodz.

Our group on the bus to Lodz

A street sign we passed from Warsaw to Lodz

anti-semitic graffiti. you can see the star of david, if
you look closely.

Monument at Radegast Train Station

Entrance to the monument itself

wall portion of the monument

transport train to the concentration camps from Radegast

List of names of people transported to the concentration
camps. This list, and many displays, are in the train
station itself.

Entrance to Jewish Cemetary


Poznanski's tomb

buriel plaques of those who died in the ghetto and an
israeli group having a ceremony where they just just
placed anoth 1000 markers.

one of the rooms in the Poznanski palace

Lunch with Jaroslaw

Another pic from lunch

Me, Jaroslaw, and Shmu

This is Sam at lunch

This is Dov. Dov and his mom, Shlomit are on te trip
with us. Dov's broter is the reason Shmu and I are on
the trip. Dov's brother had gone before and recommended
to them that Shmu be invited to come.

Survivor's Park

This is Amy at Survivors Park. She's a sweetheart.
Incredibly smart/knowledgable too.
The end of day 1 - Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at
8:18pm So that was the end of day 1. You
can just imagine how crazy that was. We had 6 long meetings,
meals, and travel.and that was just day 1 (assuming you
don't really count the day we arrived which was just
introductions and dinner).
So what were my thoughts after these meetings? What did I
learn? What was the point of all this?
I must say, when my brother invited me on this trip, my
interest was in the Forum to some extent, but also the
opportunity to do some genealogical research. At the end of
the day, my life was changed forever. If that sounds prety
intense, don't take it lightly. I'm serious. I will never be
the same. Here's why....
There are just some fundamental things that I now know to be
true. Things that I'd never even give a second thought in
the past. I'm writing here at the end of day one about the
change, but it was solidified for me after day 3 without a
doubt. But by the end of day 1, I was already thinking in a
new direction, about things I had never given a thought
I had grown up thinking that Poland was a horrible place.
The Poles hate the Jews and either helped the Nazis directly
or were indifferent to the plight of the Jews, thereby
helping the Nazis indirectly. Poland was a disgusting place.
The world's largest Jewish cemetery. Nothing mattered but
preserving the Holocaust artifacts and places. This is what
I had been taught by the generations before me and others.
If there is a Holocause survivor out there reading this that
believes that this is still the case, I would not dare have
the chutzpah to argue. However, for those who have inherited
these feelings like I did, there is much mich more you need
to know. Mind you, I'm talking about Poland, not
WWII/Holocaust in other countries like Russia, Germany,
Lithuania, and so on.
There are a few things I now know and I'll summarize them
here in a list and explain afterwards:
1 - Poles were victims of the Nazis too
2 - Many many Poles helped Jews. Probably many more than
we'll ever know and many more than will ever be discovered
as rightous gentiles.
3 - There were Poles that willingly collaborated with the
Nazis in the persecution of the Jews. There' no denying
that. It was horribly wrong and the Poles know it.
4 - The amount of anti-semitism in Poland is probably about
the same as anywhere else in the world.
5 - Poland is a huge supporter of the state of Israel.
6 - The Nazis are the perpetrators of evil, not the Poles.
Blame for the holocaust should be placed squarely on the
Germans. The Poles were horribly victimized both by the
Germans and the Russians.
7 - Poalnd today is a free trade democracy that is
desperately searching for and embracing its lost Jewish
culture. Poand feels that without the Jews and Jewish
culture, something very special is missing.
The list can go on.....but you get the point. Poland today
is not the Poland post WWII (when it was communist) and not
the Poland during WWII either. True, horrible things had
happened, but Poland is trying to right itself. Since Jews
and Poles have been intertwined for 1000 years, Poland is
suffering a great loss with the loss of the Jews....like a
person who loses a limb. What Poland wants is an opportunity
to reconnect it's parts and to be appreciated as a country
that suffered a great tragedy on many levels, all without
denying the crimes of the past and the suffering of the
This has all truly changed my opinion of Poland. My ancestry
is Polish. My grandparents and their parents came from
Poland (though the land changed ownersip numerous times with
Russia and Belarussia and Germany, etc.) I have spoken to
many caring Poles who feel the loss of the missing Jews and
are trying to make reparations today like the Germans did
long ago. The reason Poland has waited until after 1989 is
because of the communist regime that was in the way. We are
at a very interesting crossroad now. Poland is in the
position to really right the wrongs and bring its fractured
culture back together. I wish I knew a way to convey my
feeling more solidly. My family was Polish. My family IS
Polish. We are Polish Jews and I'm excited by that
I no longer see Poland as that horrible country that hates
Jews but a NEW country eager to be a part of the Jewish
culture once again.

My hotel at night

Morning picture of the city from my
hotel window

A view of the street from the front
seat of the bus.

A view of some of the building.
Warsaw has many different styles but most all of the
buildings had been destroyed in WWII and they've rebuilt
to look the same.
Day 1 - 5th stop - Dinner with Michal - Wednesday,
November 26, 2008 at 7:25pm For dinner, we
went to a very nice restaurant called Restaurant Cafe
l'Europe on Ul. Krolewska. The restaurant was very charming
(again....you'll hear that a lot). Very lovely when you
enter. We were then escorted (after checking our
coats....that happens a lot too) upstairs to a private
meeting room. We were joined by Michal Bilewicz. Stanislaw
Krajewski was supposed to join too, but he was unable to
make it. Michal is the VP of the Forum (our sponsors)and has
a PhD in Social Psychology. He's a former newspaper editor,
Fullbright scholar, Visiting Scholar, co-editor of one of
the Forum's books, and on and on and on. For more info, see
his bio in the agenda later.
I didn't take a lot of notes at this dinner. I was hungry.
Nevertheless, there was much that was gotten out of it. He
mostly answered our questions which revolved around the same
general sets of information...namely, hidden jews,
anti-semitism, Polish culture and more around the University
of Warsaw (do they have a logo or anagram...like UoW?). He
spoke about the sociology and psychology of the Poles, the
Jews, and abbout ociological studies of anti-semitism and
more. He was very funny and very engaging too. Additionally,
you were able to simply sense or intuit his natural
brilliance. He may have gotten his PhD while still in the
womb (but that's just my idea). We had some more great food
and great service. The Forum really needs to be commended on
an excellent program. I know I sound like I'm plugging them
all the time, but it's because they pay me per word...no,
it's because I'm a big fan of their work.

Dinner with Michal

More dinner with Michal (because Shmu's in the picture)

Me, Michal, and Shmu. My shirt still steals the show.
Day 1 - day 1 - 4th stop - Beit
Warszawa Progressive Synagogue - Wednesday, November 26,
2008 at 7:10pm I must say.....I
went in with a lot of trepidation. I'm generally not a big
fan of the reform movement (for my own personal reasons that
can't be justified) so I was very skeptical about what this
meeting was going to be. Rabbi Schuman greeted us outside
the synagogue and kindly escorted in to an upstairs
presentation room. There, he proceeded to start with a
bracha (blessing) to welcome us for the first time. He had
us join him in singing a Shehechiyanu bracha (for firsts)
and I was really starting to think this was going to go
downhill in a strange way. Boy was I wrong! Rabbi Schuman
showed us a DVD of interviews with Jews from Poland. He then
went on to talk to us about the population of his synagogue,
the events, some background on himself (he's from
Pennsylvania originally), what drove him to go to Poland and
to be a Rabbi, and more. He was extremely engaging. Most
importantly, I found him extremely knowledgeable.
He recommended a book by Ronit Kressner (not sure the
spelling) called "The Secret". I had a little trouble
hearing, so I may have to dig and find out what it really
was really called and by whom. I asked him if I could
contact him about genealogical research and he said he has
members of his congregation that are affiliated with
historical societies/museums that can assist, so if anyone
out there needs to make a connection and get some research
done, let me know. He had 145 people for Passover. He
believes that we are currently seeing, in Poland, the
biggest resurgence revival of Jews from hiding since the
17th century Conversos. He gets calls every day from people
looking to find out more about their Jewish heritage or
convert to Judaism. His congregation has grown in the last
year to where he has consistent Hebrew classes, Tefillah
classes, and about 17 people on a shabbos for a minyan.
He had a table set up with some cookies, coffee and tea. He
took many questions from us in regard to the Jews, anti-semitism
(his experiences with it) and his hopes and dreams for the
future. Anything we asked him he had not just an answer, but
a very nice answer. I walked out of the meeting feeling
enriched by that experience on many levels. I put some
tzedakah in the charity box and we headed out.
If you're ever in Warsaw, Poland, I recommend making a visit
to his synagogue which is at 113 Wiertnicza Street. Ph: 22
885 26 38. Website: www.beit.org.pl

Sign at entrance to Beit Warszawa. Rather

Rabbi Schuman

Shmu, Rabbi Schuman, me, and Jeff. Notice my loud
day 1 - lunch with
Jaroslaw - Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 6:48pm
Can't believe that all we'd done was only that morning.
Reading my blog, you'd think we already partied, but let's
keep it all in perspective. Meetings first. Drinking second.
Puking third. Got it? Just kidding. Anyway....we went to a
restaurant called Jazz Bistro Zen which is an asian
restaurant on Jasna street. Unfortunately, it was really
dark (and romantic), so I didn't fire off any photos. I
didn't let that happen again, so I apologize.
We had lunch with Jaroslaw Janecki, Chief Economist of the
Societe General Bank. He brought with him some powerpoint
presentation on paper (I guess you can call that
powerlesspoint - or powerpointless. I'm going to register
those names). Shmu and some of the others kept him engaged,
like Jeff, our resident Attorney. Other than that, I was
going to throw myself off the roof just listening to the
endless discussion of macroeconomics. Fact is, the fault is
his (those economists are not known for their sense of
humor....."is that a calculator in your pocket or are you
just happy to see me?" See? that doesn't work.
We had some good food, lots of coffee, etc. There's no
alcohol served during the program because it's against their
policy, but a few people ordered drinks on their own dime.
The Forum (our sponsor) was very gracious and provided us
with our requests. I don't recall any that were
unreasonable, but on other occassions with other sponsors,
I've seen the sponsors require that you stick to their
pre-paid program don't eat. The Forum wasn't ike this and it
certainly added to the atmosphere.
After lunch we headed to the Progressive (Reform) Synagogue
sorry to make you
wait, but.... - Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 9:08pm
Due to today's events, my blog will have to continue in the
morning. Suffice it to say, it's 3am and I've more vodka
than I care to talk about. That being said, keep your eyes
open because I'll be blogging about the end of Monday which
had its epiphanous moment and Tuesday, which is absolutely
beyond belief. What I experienced on Tuesday I expect to
never experience the same way again. It was fictional (yet
it wasn't) and I was absolutely dumbstruck. More to come....

We drank and danced at a club called Cinnamon. We
danced a lot. We drank a HELL of a lot. I really don't
like Vodka and I don't give in to peer pressure...., so
I only had 4 (and a kamikaze).

You'll notice that my photos are rather innocuous
here. Yeah, that's not by accident. Let's just say that
it stayed in pocket (yes, that's a camera in my pocket)
until the damaging photo opportunities had passed.
Others took those photos, so if they send them to me,
Ill upload them if they are not too bad.
the players blog -
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 3:46am
I got my hands on an updated itinerary. Here are the players
and places for this trip. These people and places were
listed in prior blogs and will be referenced later.
1) Sunday night dinner was at Tradycja Polska Restaurant on
Belwedreska Street
2) Andrzej Folwarczny spoke at dinner. He is the President
and Founder of the Forum
3) Agnieszka Chrabalowska is the Program Director of the
4) Our first meeting was with Maciej Kozlowski, Former
Ambassador of Poland to Israel.
5) Next was with Piotr Kadlcik (at the orthodox shul in
Warsaw), President of the Union of the Jewish Communities in
6) After the presentation by Andrzej, we went to lunch at
Jazz Bistro Zen on Jasna street.
7) At lunch, we met with Jaroslaw Janecki, Chief Economist
of the Societe General Bank.
8) After lunch, we met with Rabbi Burt Schuman of Beit
Warszawa, the Progressive Synagogue and Jewish Cultural
9) Later, we had dinner at Restaurant Cafe l'Europe
10) At dinner, we sat with Michal Bilewicz.
I will post the itinerary in it's entirety when I have a
chance. Also, I will post the other days and places later. I
did this posting while on my blackberry on the bus
travelling to Lodz.
An important blog
about my brother... - Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 3:07am
Shmuel deserves his own blog note for two reasons. First and
foremost, shmu sponsored my trip and brought it to me. I'm
very appreciative of that. Second, he is very smart and very
handsome. Pictures will be attached.

Sitting in anticipation, at the edge of his seat,
on the bus. JK.
a note about
yesterday morning. - Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 3:02am
One thing I left off of yesterday morning's blog was Shmuel
and my walk to the palace next to our hotel for the
"Changing of the Guard." At 7am on the button, a group of
soldiers, from different parts of the armed services, march
from the Polish Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to the
presidential palace and go through a ceremony of gun
handling and bugling. They then march off into the palace
compound. What's amazing is that the Polish palace is
literally next door to my hotel.

Changing of the guard at the Presidential Palace

Completion of the Changing of the Guard

View of the Presidential Palace from my hotel room
next door.
day 1 - 3rd stop -
Forum for Dialog Among Nations - Monday, November 24, 2008
at 8:25pm after the trip to the
shul, we headed back to the headquarters of the Dialog Among
Nations...Andrzej and Agnieszca organization for a short
presentation and discussion. The presentation, given by
Andrzej, was not very different than the other one I had
heard from him. It was a discussion that was about the
purpose of his organization and their focus. HOWEVER, this
is where I had the largest epiphanous moments. Thoughtd
clicked and have changed my entire day in ways that have
made me just spend every free moment contemplating. I can't
help it - just amazing thoughts/enlightenments.
The thought is that we are cousins to the Poles. Even though
our history dates back further and has very different
practices. Eventhough our people had kept themselves
separate in many (but not all) places, we are cousins. Our
peoples have been connected for almost 1000 years. In
context, that means that if you calcualte about 20 years as
a generation (give or take) our peoples have been intimately
connected or depenedent for almost 50 generations. That's
huge. That's bigger than huge. You could maybe name a few
generation of family members and may have met only 2 or 3 at
best. This is 50 ! That's enormous. I had this chilled
feeling come over me as I realized how similar it was to
family issues. Think of it this way. Have you ever had a set
of relatives who didn't talk to each other for 20 years.
Sisters or brother that had been together for many years and
then for one reason or another are no longer talking? Is it
poossible they don't even remember exactly why they are
fighting or if it's worth it or that one thinks the other
has wronged him/her? I know I've had that in my family with
aunts and cousins. How dumb. You don't have to love each
other every minute, but to hate the other one so much.
Anyway....that's what we have here.
Did the Poles do things they shouldn't have? yes. Nobody is
denying that now. It was denied but the wounds are being
torn open by the freedoms they have to write and speak which
they didn't have before. Did the Poles do things they aren't
proud of? Sure. But let's keep this in context. There was
anti-semitism, sure - where isn't there. The Nazis came in
and started the trouble. Everything blew up. If you read the
books I'm reading, you'll read about some of the injustices
committed by the Poles to the Jews in cities like Kielce.
You'll read about the horrors after the war. There's no
question that that existed. However, that's an older
generation. In the meantime, there has been remorse and a
feeling of a piece of the Polish culture ripped away. The
Jews were a related subculture and our relationship was
completely intertwined on many many levels. There were many
Poles that did incredibly important things to help save
Jews. There were some that didn't. You mostly hear about the
destruction and only a little about the righteous gentiles.
You have many righteous gentiles in hiding or afraid to
speak about the sacrifices they made. What you also have is
a Poland that wants Jews to return and be a part of its
life. Poland invited the Jews into the country almost 1000
years ago when they were thrown out of every other country.
They came, they settled and they prospered. There were more
Jews in Poland than anywhere else in the world. Poland and
the Jews were an inseparable pair. They were, in my opinion,
like cousins. Some bad (very bad) things happened and it's
as if there cannot be forgiveness. The Jews constantly
remind themselves of the horrible decisions that a small
minority of Poles carried out. Yet, one would think that
nothing else happened except this. It's just not the
complete truth. What Poland is saying today, and what
Andrzej and Angieszka and the Forum for Dialog Among Nations
is trying to convey is that mistakes (I use that term
poorly) were made and that Poland would like to bring its
sibling back. Poland would like to revitalize the Jewish
component of its history and culture. A piece of Poland is
lost without the Jewish component, like a broken family. I
hope I'm not understating this. I know that some people
would argue that all of the injustices can't be forgotten.
I'm not suggesting that they be forgotten. I'm suggesting
that we face this demon, this horrible event perpetrated
against us (first by the Nazis and secondarily by some
Poles), face it, accept it, understand it, and begin to
allow ourselves to heal. With that healing comes an
understanding that the Jews of Poland and the Poles have
1000 years of intertwined history that is MORE than just two
people living next door to each other. more than just simply
neigbors. After a 1000 years, we are family. Even with our
cultural and religious differences, we are brothers. This, I
believe, is the core purpose behind the Forum for Dialog
Among Nations. To bring to our collective conscience, Jew
and Pole, throug dialog and understanding, that we are
brothers, seperated by pain and anger. Seperated by hurt and
contempt. Seperated now, but should no more. We need to work
together to heal the wounds and come back to each other. It
may never be "the same" but it can definitely be more than
it is now. It should be. It must be. It needs to be.
This is what I've spent my time thinking about. I always
like to walk away from a day of meetings or seminars with at
least one good contact or one good idea. This is my
philosophy when I go on business trips to seminars and the
such. Today, I've had many of great meetings, ideas, and
contacts, but this one stands alone as absolutely earth
shattering to me. It flew in the face of everything I had
read and everything I had learned and everything my parent's
generation tried to instill in us. The Poles really got
shafted. The Nazis attacked us, attacked them, caused a
chain reaction of bringing the lingering anti-semitism to
the surface, and when it exploded, the Poles took a large
part of the blame. Those that committed the atrocities
deserve the blame, but today? A lot of the burial of facts
and modification of history was caused by the communist
goverment set up in poland post WWII. After the fall of
communism and the democratic set up of Poland and the new
generation of Poles, many of whom have never met a Jew,
should we still bear that anger? and to whom do we direct
it? Also, what's interesting is that while we Jews often
point the finger at the Nazis and blame "them" (the German
people as a whole only being blamed in the periphery), the
Poles who committed atrocities where just Poles, unafiliated
with any group that could be pointed at and blamed, causing
the blame to befall the entire Polish nation. We've learned
to demonize the Nazis (a group) and the Poles (an entire
people). In the process, we've mostly let the Germans off
the hook, though we know that anything the Poles did was
similarly done by the German populace or worse. It's time to
heal the wounds.
After some intense discussion about the purpose and role of
the Forum and what it can and can't do (and what it should
and shouldn't do), we left the Forum office and headed to
lunch. It was now about 3pm.
I'm typing this at 2:30am and need to leave for my trip in 5
hours, so I must get to bed. I will contuneu with the lunch
info, economist speaker, reform rabbi, dinner with the
fellow from the jewish history museum, the other voda bar,
and the evening in the lobby typing till my ands fell off.
'night. Ill upload pics tomorrow.
day 1 - 2nd stop,
Nozyk Synagogue (Orthodox) - Monday, November 24, 2008 at
7:22pm We arrived at the synagogue.
small looking place. only noticeable if you're looking. We
pulled in to the driveway and got out. the driveway has an
mechanical fence to prevent unwanted vehicles. We walked in
and there was a security station. Supposedly, that station
is for protection, but there doesn't seem to be any anti-semitism
to be concerned about. Just beyond the security booth is a
small kosher store built into the ground (or sub-ground)
floor of the shul. We walked around to the front of the shul
and up the stairs into the building. It has a very
non-descript front. In truth, it's completely bland and
uninspiring. Looks somewhat like a warehouse. Here's where
my emotions come in. I just can't help but to think of what
Polish Jewry once was here. The pictures you see in Shtetl
books and history books. The movies on TV (documentaries on
the history channel). There were 3.5 million Jews in Poland
before the Holocaust and now? maybe 4,000 registered Jews. I
couldn't help but to feel an immense feeling of loss. Not
just some crazy historical thing that happened "over there"
but my people, my family, wiped off the face of the earth.
How much time and energy and money went into building
palacial shuls. Ornamental, beautiful building gleaming with
pride. All of this reduced to nothing more than something
looking like a sad version of a YMCA.
In the basement of the shul is the only Mikveh in Warsaw. We
went inside and were brought through the sanctuary to the
beis medresh (study hall). We sat in the study hall and were
supposed to meet with Rabbi Schudrich, the Chief Rabbi of
Poland but had to meet with one of the leaders of the Shul,
the President of the Jewish Community, instead because the
Rabbi was out on a trip to the U.S. He spoke about the Jews
of Poland, the membership and makeup of the shul, the events
that occur. Many questions were asked about anti-semitism
towards him and the shul in general. The shul is growing,
but very slowly. Some weddings, some circumcisions, some
births. Circumcisions might have to wait a couple of months
because the only mohel that comes is from another country
and can only visit periodically. How sad is that. Where we
were as Jews in Poland. Where we are now. Jewish boys have
to wait months before a bris. There is a kosher butcher.
Their library had some nice seforim and many I recognized
from the US. Some were in english/hebrew and others in
polish/hebrew. Shmu and I tried to put together a minyan so
we could say kaddish. Unfortunately, we couldn't even get 3
males together for a minyan. The President shared with us an
interesting story and and unfortunate piece of information.
The story was in regard to the question that has been asked
many times while we've been here by memebers of our group -
namely, what is the status and familiarity with Polands
"hidden" Jews. Jews who are unknown (so to speak), hiding,
secretive, etc. The story he told us was that there are many
priests with whom he has a relationship. On many, many
occasions, they have told him that they have sat and
listened to confessional by women who have confessed to the
sin of lying to their spouses, families, and/or children
about the fact that they are a Jew. They didn't ask
forgiveness for being a Jew but for lying about their Jewish
heritage (their Jewishness). The second item was interesting
because of its timing, but sad. While speaking to us, he had
to take an urgent call. While he was on the phone, the group
started a group discussion. When finished, he returned to
tell us about the call. It was from the Shul's attorney. He
had called to say that the shul's case had been dismissed.
The case was against Radio Mario, an anti-semitic radio
station financed, in part, by the church. The radio station
had a personality on who had made some anti-semitic
references, which is illegal in Poland. The shul filed suit
(and will do whatever they can to shut down the anti-semitic
radio station) but the suit was ultimately thrown out. This
was the call he got while talking to us. We went back into
the sanctuary, looked around and took some pictures. At
least the sanctuary was pretty. I noticed that the covering
on the aron kodesh (the ark) had an inscription on the
bottom. All shuls I have seen where there's an inscription
on the covering have one that was donated by someone in
memory of a loved one and the name of the loved one is
inscribed. While I'm sure this may exist elsewhere, I have
never seen what they had, which was an inscription in memory
of the 6 million jews killed by the nazis. I peeked behind
the ark covering and the aron kodesh had steel doors and
they were locked. I wanted to kiss the torah, but could not,
so I left it at that. I spent a little more time looking
around at the detail of the shul and then left it at that.
We started to head out. On the way out, I saw the tzedakah
(charity) box. I had been given a lot of charity money by
friends and colleagues in the U.S. to give in the Warsaw
shul as a shaliach mitzvah (a emmissary of charity). I put
the money in the tzedakah box and headed out. We all got in
the van and headed off to the next place. We had been there
for a couple of hours.

Meeting with Piotr Kadlcik. Sorry for the poor
lighting. This is one of the few pics were I just
couldn't get a decent shot.

The kosher store at the base of the Nozyk

Name plate for entrance of the Nozyk Synagogue

Nameplate for the Mikvah that exists under the

Inside the Nozyk Synagogue facing the Aron Kodesh

Inscription on the cover of the Aron Kodesh in
memory of the 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust.
day 1 - 1st stop,
ministry of foreign affairs - Monday, November 24, 2008 at
7:00pm WOW! Where the heck do I
even begin. You'll be hearing that a lot. At first, I
thought I'd blog from the road....and I can...but typing
this much on a blackberry won't be comfortable, so I took
some quick notes on the road and will blog at night. So how
did day 1 go?, you ask. Amazing. I was a little tired
through some of the meetings but they have been so inspiring
and so meaningful I feel like I've been here for a month.
I've learned an amazing amount about the Poles and the
reason why I'm on this trip. Over the last couple of weeks,
people have asked me why I'm on this trip and I thought I
knew....but now I really know. Let's get he chronology down
first, and with it, the narrative. Woke up at around 6:30am
(for a 9:15am departure). Met up with one of the other
participants, Shlomit, to help her get her cell phone
working. She was having the same problem I was, so I met her
at the bar and we skyped to Verizon but they couldn't help
us on a Sunday night because their systems are under
maintenance on sunday nights and they couldn't make any
changes to her account. After that, I went downstairs to the
gym and lifted weights. Afterwards, I went back to my room,
showered, and got dressed for the day. Met everyone in the
lobby at 9:00am and headed out.
We first went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This
building was the headquarters for the Gestapo when the Nazis
invaded Poland. We met with Maciej Koslowski, Former
Ambassador of Poland to Israel (and many other titles). His
knowledge of Poland's history, Israel's history, and the
relationship between the two is obviously amazing, as I'm
sure you can imagine. We went through a metal detector to
get into the building, hung our coats in the coatroom, and
went upstairs to the meeting room. We talked about the
history, the beginning of Israel, how Israel's political
system is based on the multi-party small system used on
Poland, how Poland moved weapons underground to Israel for
the war of independence, and how Poland is a huge supporter
of Israel. He told us about the formation of Israel and the
role that oland played in all of it along with the ongoing
role Poland plays in the EU and the upcoming meetings he's
hosting with EU contries and Israel and the discussion to
get them included. The room was very bland. There were some
minor decorations. A huge carpet hung on the wall. The walls
were made up of what looked like 2 ft by 4 ft cement blocks.
It struck me as being very Russian looking. However, between
the blocks were small columns embedded in the walls and
wrapped on those columns were gold painted strips, as if
someone had wrapped the small columns for the holidays. Big
table in the middle, big chairs, coffee served, and soda and
water. We had microphones in front of us. When he was done
talking we had an opportunity to ask questions and most
everyone did. Everyone in the group is very interested and
interesting. We gathered ourselves up, thanked the former
foreign ambassador, and departed. Headed to our next

Shmu and Avi with Maciej Kozlowski, Former
Ambassador of Poland to Israel and Deputy Director of
the Middle East Department in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. More on Dr. Kozlowski in the Itinerrary (to be
blogged at a different time)

Meeting with the Former Ambassador

The meeting room

The painting on the wall in the meeting room.
to continue with our
first night.... - Monday, November 24, 2008 at 6:39pm
We went for a quick walk. Walked over to the University of
Warsaw. Didn't ask. Just walked in. Walked around and found
some interesting plaques on the walls memorializing the
destruction of the university. I can't understand polish, so
it could have been that or a recipe for borscht.
Anyway....we walked around and found the department of
archeology. Went inside and walked around. looked at
artifacts for a little while and then left because it was
technically closed and they were kind enough to let us in
anyway. We walked back to the hotel and it was so cold and
the wind so powerful that it felt like we were trying to
walk against the wind of a hurricane. It must have been in
the low teens. Even with a hood, sweatshirt, scarf, gloves,
and leather coat, I was chilled to the bones. We arrived
back at the hotel and met up with the group for dinner. We
met in the lobby of the hotel at 7:00pm and departed on a
van to the restaurant. I'll put the name of it in another
note because I'm sitting in the lobby of the hotel now
writing this and am too friggin lazy to go upstairs and get
my notes. There are 13 of us on the trip...mothers and
daughters, brothers, spouses, singles, and even one who
isn't jewish. We went to the restaurant and it was
beautiful. very charming. I think you're going to hear that
a lot. I'll upload some pics. You walk in and you are
greeted by a coatroom check person (all of the restaurants
seem to have them) and you check your coat, get a number,
and go upstairs. It had a wooden spiral staircase that led
to a private room. Table set for 15 - 13 of us, Agnieszka
and Andrzej. Agnieska is the director and Andrzej is the
founder of the forum and the leader of the group, though
Agnieska seems to really be the main lead. We had soup,
salad, bread, pancake-like things and the room and
atmosphere was very warm (and charming). candle lit on the
table and around the window sills. Snow falling in the
background. Somewhat dim lighting to set the mood and a room
full of eager people just waiting to leanr and talk and
listen. We all took turns introducing ourselves. We have
teachers, lawyers, IT people, students, entreprenuers, and
people who work for Jewish causes like AJC (American Jewish
Committee) and ADL. Just a room full of interestingly
different people - young, old (not very old) and middle.
Male and female. Orthodox, conservative, and reform. If you
think about it, a really well rounded group. We spoke about
our thoughts and feelings about why we came and what we
hoped to get out of the program. A piano player sat outside
our room playing music for the restaurant (a little too
loudly) and it was nice listening to the Polish version of
Africa by Toto and some Billy Joel and other recognizable
tunes. We sat for a couple of hours, had desert, retrieved
our coats, and headed back to the hotel. A bunch of us
decided to go out for some Vodka and there is a bar across
the street so we went to the bar(pictures to follow). After
they had a few drinks (I say they because I had 3 sips and
felt like puking from the taste - I much prefer girlie
drinks, like sea breeze). I gave what was left of my drink
to the others and just hung out. Eventually, we left. At
that time, our first night was done and we were on our own.
My brother headed to his room and, since the gym was closed
for the evening (closes at 10pm on Sunday), I decided to get
my blackberry fixed (ooooohhhh, exciting stuff). There is
free wireless in the hotel lobby and bar area but not in the
rooms. In the rooms, you have to pay for it. It's 25 zlotys
for 24 hours. Yeah, I know, you think that's a great deal,
but zloty for zloty, it's kind of expensive. I was getting
ready to go down, but the executive suite is on my floor
(6th) and as I passed by I struck up a conversation with the
host (a trainee) named Kasha (probably spelled something
like Kasze). Anyway, after a little schmoozing, she slipped
me the wifi password for the wifi in the executive suite
area and I could log on. Unfortunately, my room is about 2
feet further than the signal carries. Most normal people
would just go downstairs to the free wireless, but not me.
Nooooooo. I dragged my round coffee table from the room to
the hallway, plugged in my laptop, and sat in the hallway
and started up skype. I skype called Verizon and got them to
activate my blackberry because the verizon store in
Hollwyood was apparently manned by total morons who messed
up my plan and configuration. 30 minutes later, my
blackberry was up and running. With that, I answered some
emails, shut down my stuff and headed for bed. I was sooooo
tired (since I had not slept on the plane). I passed out.

the view from the van on our way from the airport
to the hotel

view of snow covered building and the presidential
palace from my hotel window. From that view perspective,
the presidential palace is to the right. I will include
pics later.

Le Meridian Bristol Hotel bar area

Our meeting at the first night's dinner at the

the lobby of the restaurant from the first night.

drinking at the bar across the street from the
hotel with Shlomit, Dov, Shmu, Amy, and Dallas

front of my hotel lit up at night as viewed from
the bar across the street.
first night follow
up from warsaw, poland - Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:59am
So...where was I.....ok. We arrived in Poland and met up
with Andrzej and others who were supposed to be on our tour.
A handful of us arrived at the warsaw airport either on the
same flight or on other flights arriving at the same time.
We met up, got our luggage and hooked up with the car
service that was supposed to take us to our hotel. I must
say, driving through Warsaw in the winter is not much
different than driving through NY in the winter. It's snowy,
cold and bleak looking. Very gray and somewhat depressing
(sorry to disappoint any NYers reading this, but it's true).
The signs look foreign (to me anyway) but are what you'd
expect if you've ever watched the travel channel on cable.
We got to our hotel , the Le Miridian Bristol in Warsaw and
it's a beautiful hotel. Constructed around 1900, it has a
lot of nice old-world charm, but not stuffy. 20 ft. ceiling
lots of yellowish light bulbs, leather chairs, marble
floors. It's just very charming. The elevator is a golden
little set of elevators (or lifts) in the middle of the
building, with lots of glass. Just pretty. We checked inot
our hotel rooms. Shmu got room 625 and I got 623. I asked to
be next to him. The room itself is very nice too. Simple but
with all the ammenities. There's a queen size bed, work
table, and a 40 inch plasma TV (with a few channels in
english). The bathroom has a bidet and towel warmer on the
wall. The bathtub has a normal shower and a handle shower
connected to the bath fixture on a long metal hose, like a
classic telephone that sits on a cradle and the tub is nice
and deep. After checking in, Shmu and I went on a quick walk
around town and through the hotel. First of all, it's
friggin cold. When I say friggin cold I mean bone chilling.
It's 30 degrees (or zero as they call it) farenheit not
including the wind chill which must have brough it down to
the teens. to be continued.....

Sugar and creamer serving utensils in the lounge
of the Le Meridian Bristol

View from the plane when landed

Me and Shmu after we landed and taxiing to the
first note from
poland - Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 11:59am
Sorry it took so long to write. Damn Verizon. They got
everything wrong. I finally skyped them and got them to fix
my account. Now I've got data flowing to my BB and email
too. That being said, on to the flight. When it comes to
business class travel, all I can say is damn. For those of
you who do regularly, sorry to bore you. I never have.
Pretty cool. Hot towels, hot food, real silverware,
blankets, and a seat that is fully computerized to every
position and posture you could need at the touch of a
button. For me, the flight rocked. They also gave me a
handheld computer with a dozen or so dvds preloaded. I
watched Iron Man and. What Happens in Vegas. Good movies.
Also, I've been reading the book Fear which is required for
this trip. They gave me a cute little bag of toiletries.
Anything I wanted. I have a 6pm meeting, so I have to go.
I'll add about arriving to Poland, the hotel, the snow, the
cold, and dinner in my next blog. Love to all. I called
rebecca via Skype too. That was really nice.
last blog before
takeoff - Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 10:55pm
Gosh diggidy. I'm sitting in business class. This is the
life. Shmu spotted me business class and I appreciate it.
We're sitting in row 2. Plush seats, electrical outlets,
reading light, 50 different seat adjustments. A guy came up
and took my coat to be hung up. I thought he was attacking
me. I got enough legroom to put a small jetblue flight to ft
lauderdale under the seat in front of me. This is some
wicked stuff. Met up with Andrzej at the airport. Real nice
fellow. He's the founder of the Forum sponsoring this trip.
I've heard that Polish women are very beautiful. So far, not
very different than us women. Florida breeds 'em pretty
anyway. Getting set to fly. Shutting down phone and getting
comfy. I'll add the perks I get up here in business class
later. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't fall asleep. I want to
savor every moment.
sitting in the
airport lounge - Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 9:36pm
This is one fancy place, I tell you. Shmu's reading the NY
Times and I'm prepping my blackberry for easy note taking.
We're sitting in the airport lounge at JFK. You know the
place - where the not-so-regular folks go to have a drink
and snack. It's all free here. Had a banana and coffe. They
only have sweet n low. What's with that? Can't afford
splenda? Lots of alcohol - not my style. Would mix badly
with my pepto/gasx/xanax. I have a healthy mix of stuff.
They go nice leather seats, fancy silverware, ugly
wallpaper. I guess you can't buy taste. Hehe.
Check out the hotels
where we're going to be.... - Saturday, November 22, 2008 at
7:40pm From Sunday to
From Thursday on....http://www.andelscracow.com/en/home/
Looking forward to
my trip - Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 5:52pm
Shmu and I are getting ready for our trip to Poland. Heading
to JFK at 8:00 for an 11:00pm flight. Flight time is about 9
hrs. We'll be on the flight with Andrzej, the founder of the
Forum for Dialog Among Nations, the sponsor of the group
which is hosting us in Poland. I have skype activated (aviesolomon)
and will Facebook as often as I can. This is going to be
great. For all of you following the story, just log in to
facebook to ofloow our travels. I will blog nightly at a
minimum and hopefully more through the day if time permits.
See you all here later. This will be a 2 week blog. It'll be
amazing. Love to all.
Side Note:
