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What I'd like to put here are stories that people tell me about their
family history. Call it Family Folklore. I know some stories and I'm
going to post mine up here. If people will email me their
stories...about their parents, grandparents, family, where people lived, the Shtetls, etc, I would love to post it here.
Submitted by Yitzchak (Yitzie) Solomon |
We [Hershel Charach (grandfather) and Yitzie
(grandson)] frequently talked Erev Shabbat, when he would
occasionally remark that he had nothing to live for. I
encouraged him to start writing about his life. He didn't think
anyone would be interested, but nothing could be further from
the truth. "My articles" were well received, and was often asked
to continue writing his diary. |
Yitzie (also known as Jacob, in business) submitted two
articles entitled "Tales of My Zaydee". To read the entire
here. For a PDF version to download and read,
here. At the end of the article is the information on where
and when it was originally published. |
Submitted by Shimon Solomon |
This was written by Katy (Shimon's daughter) for a
creative writing assignment at the University of Tampa in
2008. I think you will all appreciate the story (and I think
that she is an excellent writer). This paper was written as
a tribute to Katy's grandfather, Victor Solomon. |
Click to read:
The Renaissance Man
By Katy Solomon |