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Ship Manifests
Here are ship manifests I've been able to acquire and post to the
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manifest of that person(s)
and then Click on the pictures at right for a closeup of the ACTUAL
- Abraham & Ruchla Szymczak (Solomon)
- Tyla Riwke Kirsztejn with Shimon,
Golda, and Ruth Szymczak
- Masza Charon (who is the mother of Hershel
Charach (Cohen)
Other manifests to be posted soon:
Hershel Charach
Isaac & Ida Pekarsky
Description and Transcription of Manifest Data |
Click Image |
Abraham &
Ruchla Szymczak (Solomon) Ship Manifest:
Manifest Information: |
U.S. Department of Labor - List 33/1
Ship: S.S. Carmania
Passengers Sailing from: Liverpool, 19th February
Arriving at Port of: New York, 28th February 1921
(Source of data: Ellis Island) |
Manifest Detail: |
Ruchla |
Abraham |
1.Number on list (Page 1) |
10 |
11 |
2.Head Tax Status |
3.Name in Full/Family Name |
Szyniciak |
Szyniciak |
3.Name in Full/Given Name |
Ruchla |
Abraham |
4.Age/Yrs |
20 |
31 |
4.Age/Months |
5.Sex |
F |
M |
6.Married or Single |
S |
S |
7.Calling or Occupation |
Dom'ic |
Tailor |
8.Able to/Read |
Yes |
Yes |
8.Able to/Read what Language (or,
if exemption claimed, on what ground) |
Hebrew |
Hebrew |
8.Able to/Write |
Yes |
Yes |
9.Nationality (Country of which
citixen or subject) |
Poland |
Poland |
10.Race or People |
Hebrew |
Hebrew |
11.Last Permanent Residence/Country |
Poland |
Poland |
11.Last Permanent Residence/City or
Town |
Plock |
Plock |
12.The name and complete address of
nearest relative or friend in country whence alien
came |
Mother; Ruda Szymciak. Plock,
Poland |
Mother; Ruda Szymciak. Plock,
Poland |
13.Final Destination/State |
N.Y. |
New York |
13.Final Destination/City or Town |
N.Y. |
New York |
14. Number on List (Page 2) |
10 |
11 |
15.Whether having a ticket to such
final destination |
Yes |
Yes |
16.By whom was passage paid |
Self |
Self |
17.Whether in possession of $50,
and if less, how much? |
Yes |
Yes |
18.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Yes or No |
No |
No |
18.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Years or
Period of years |
- |
- |
18.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Where? |
- |
- |
19.Whether going to join a relative
or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and
his name and complete address |
Brother; Eiseg Saloman. 462 Brook
Avenue New York City |
Brother; Eiseg Saloman. 462 Brook
Avenue New York City |
20.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
No |
No |
20.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
Perm |
Perm |
20.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
Yes |
Yes |
21.(Can't see detail) |
No |
No |
22.Whether a polygamist |
No |
No |
23.Whether an anarchist |
No |
No |
24.(Can't see detail) |
No |
No |
25.(Can't see detail) |
No |
No |
26.(Can't see detail) |
No |
No |
27.Condition of Health, mental and
physical |
Good |
Good |
28.Deformed or crippled, nature,
length of time, and cause |
No |
No |
29.Height/Feet |
5 |
5 |
29.Height/Inches |
2 |
4 |
30.Complexion |
Fr |
Fr |
31.Color of/Hair |
Brn |
Brn |
31.Color of/Eyes |
Ble |
Ble |
32.Marks of Identification |
None |
None |
33.Place of Birth/Country |
Poland |
Poland |
33.Place of Birth/City or Town |
Plock |
Plock |
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Abraham came with his sister
Ruchla. There are a few interesting items to note in this
manifest. They are as follows:
- Their last name is clearly not right. It is listed as
Szyniciak which is close to the correct name of Szymczak.
- They are both listed as single, but Abraham was
definitely married at the time (for quite some time). My
guess is that he declared himself single to make it easier
to immigrate. After all, a tailor with a trade who is single
is very valuable to the economy.
- In item #12, it lists the mother as Ruda Szymciak,
clearly a different spelling than in the prior column of
family name.
- They travelled with at least $50. This doesn't sound
like a lot, but if you look at some of the other manifests
posted, you'll see that they travelled with less. This is
what they came to America with. More than $50.
- They went to brother Eiseg Saloman. I'm trying to figure
out who that is. It is probably really spelled Isaac, but
I'm still not sure who that is - and look how they spell
Saloman instead of Solomon.
- Items #22 and #23 ask if either of them is a polygamist
or anarchist. Interesting questions.
- It shows both Abraham and Ruchla as declaring they were
born in Plock, Poland.
- The text on some of the questions from 20-26 are so
small that they are unreadable. I will try to get my hands
on a larger print copy so I can read the questions. If not,
you can try to look at the actual manifest itself and see if
you can figure it out.
[Return to top of page] |
Description and Transcription of Manifest Data |
Click Image |
Tyla Riwke
Kirsztejn along with her three children, Hymak J (Shimon), Golda
(Goldie), & Rucha (Ruth) Szymczak Ship Manifest:
Manifest Information: |
U.S. Department of Labor - List 6
Ship: S.S. Aquitania
Passengers Sailing from: Southampton, 11th June 1927
Arriving at Port of: New York, 17th June 1927
(Source of data: Ancestry.com) |
Manifest Detail: |
Tyla |
Hymak |
Golda |
Rucha |
1.Number on list (Page 1) |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
2.Head Tax Status |
Under 16 |
Under 16 |
3.Name in Full/Family Name |
Szymezak |
Szymezak |
Szymezak |
Szymezak |
3.Name in Full/Given Name |
Tyla R. |
Hymek J.
(Szymn) |
Golda |
(Ruchla) |
4.Age/Yrs |
37 |
17 |
11 |
9 |
4.Age/Months |
5.Sex |
F |
M |
F |
F |
6.Married or Single |
M |
S |
S |
S |
7.Calling or Occupation |
H'wife |
Scholar |
Scholar |
8.Able to/Read |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
8.Able to/Read what Language (or,
if exemption claimed, on what ground) |
Jewish |
Jewish |
Jewish |
Jewish |
8.Able to/Write |
Yes |
Yes |
9.Nationality (Country of which
citixen or subject) |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
10.Race or People |
Hebrew |
Hebrew |
Hebrew |
Hebrew |
11.Last Permanent Residence/Country |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
11.Last Permanent Residence/City or
Town |
(Raciaz) |
Drobin |
(Sierpc) |
(Sierpc) |
12. Immigration Visa number |
3943 |
3946 |
3944 |
3945 |
13. Issued at |
Warsaw |
Warsaw |
Warsaw |
Warsaw |
14. Date |
Apr 6, 27 |
Apr 6, 27 |
Apr 6, 27 |
Apr 6, 27 |
15. Last Permanent
Residence/Country |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
15.Last Permanent Residence/City or
Town |
(Sierpc) |
(Sierpc) |
(Sierpc) |
(Sierpc) |
16. Number on List (Page 2) |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
17.The name and complete address of
nearest relative or friend in country whence alien
came |
Father: Jankel Herstejn, Racige,
Poland |
Grandfather: As above |
Grandfather: As above |
Grandfather: As above |
18.Final Destination/State |
N.Y. |
N.Y. |
N.Y. |
N.Y. |
18.Final Destination/City or Town |
New York |
New York |
New York |
New York |
19.Whether having a ticket to such
final destination |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
20.By whom was passage paid |
Husband |
Father |
Father |
Father |
21.Whether in possession of $50,
and if less, how much? |
$20 |
No |
No |
No |
22.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Yes or No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
22.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Years or
Period of years |
- |
- |
- |
- |
22.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Where? |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23.Whether going to join a relative
or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and
his name and complete address |
Husband: Abram Solom, 145 S. 4th
Str., Brooklyn, N.Y. |
Father: As Above |
Father: As Above |
Father: As Above |
24.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
24.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
Perm |
Perm |
Perm |
Perm |
24.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
Yes |
25.(Can't see detail) |
No |
26.Whether a polygamist |
No |
27.Whether an anarchist |
No |
28.(Can't see detail) |
No |
29.(Can't see detail) |
No |
30.(Can't see detail) |
No |
31.Condition of Health, mental and
physical |
Good |
32.Deformed or crippled, nature,
length of time, and cause |
No |
33.Height/Feet |
5 |
5 |
4 |
- |
33.Height/Inches |
- |
2 |
- |
- |
34.Complexion |
Med. |
Med. |
Med. |
Fair |
35.Color of/Hair |
Drk. |
Brn. |
Drk. |
Blnd |
35.Color of/Eyes |
Drk. |
Brn. |
Drk. |
Blue |
36.Marks of Identification |
None |
None |
None |
None |
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.JPG) |
Tyla (a.k.a Tilla) came with her
three children, Shimon, Golda, and Ruth. Golda and Ruth were
under 16. Tyla's husband, Abraham Szymczak had already come back
in 1921. Now, Tyla and the others are finally arriving in 1927.
That's approximately 7 years the husband and wife/kids have been
apart. Interesting things to note:
- Their last name is clearly not right. It is listed as
Szymezak which is close to the correct name of Szymczak and
still different than when Abraham came to the U.S. (see
above manifest)
- In item #17, it lists the father as Jankel Herstejn,
clearly a different spelling than in the prior column of
family name. Also, the father was more accurately known as
Jankief (Jacob).
- They travelled with only $20. To me, it's inconceivable
that Tyla and her three children only came with $20 to their
- Historically speaking, there was a fourth child born in
Poland, Pessa, who was born in 1919. According to family
history (lore), Pessa was killed by accident while still an
infant when Tyla, sleeping with her by her side during
nursing, accidentally rolled onto the child and smothered
her. This information is important here because Polish
records show four children to Tyla and Abraham but the ship
manifest only records three children immigrating.
- They went to their husband/father Abram Solom. Looked
how the last name was poorly recorded.
- Items #22 and #23 ask if either of them is a polygamist
or anarchist. Interesting questions.
- It shows Tyla being born in Raciaz, Shimon being born in
Drobin, & Golda and Ruth being born in Sierpc - all in
- The text on some of the questions from 20-26 are so
small that they are unreadable. I will try to get my hands
on a larger print copy so I can read the questions. If not,
you can try to look at the actual manifest itself and see if
you can figure it out.
[Return to top of page] |
Description and Transcription of Manifest Data |
Click Image |
Masza (Masha)
Charon, mother of Hershel Charach (Cohen):
Manifest Information: |
U.S. Department of Labor - List 15
Ship: S.S. Finland
Passengers Sailing from: Antwerp, 22nd December 1921
Arriving at Port of: New York, 4th January 1922
(Source of data: Ancestry.com) |
Manifest Detail: |
Masza |
1.Number on list (Page 1) |
9 |
2.Head Tax Status |
3.Name in Full/Family Name |
Charach |
3.Name in Full/Given Name |
Masza |
4.Age/Yrs |
60 |
4.Age/Months |
5.Sex |
F |
6.Married or Single |
WD (Widow) |
7.Calling or Occupation |
H.Work |
8.Able to/Read |
Y |
8.Able to/Read what Language (or,
if exemption claimed, on what ground) |
Hebrew |
8.Able to/Write |
Y |
9.Nationality (Country of which
citixen or subject) |
Russian |
10.Race or People |
Hebrew |
11.Last Permanent Residence/Country |
Russia |
11.Last Permanent Residence/City or
Town |
Pieseczny |
12.The name and complete address of
nearest relative or friend in country whence alien
came |
Son: Szmu Chorach, Pieseczny |
13.Final Destination/State |
N.J. |
13.Final Destination/City or Town |
Bayonne |
14. Number on List (Page 2) |
9 |
15.Whether having a ticket to such
final destination |
No |
16.By whom was passage paid |
Self |
17.Whether in possession of $50,
and if less, how much? |
$25 |
18.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Yes or No |
No |
18.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Years or
Period of years |
18.Whether ever before in the
United States, and if so, when and where?/Where? |
19.Whether going to join a relative
or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and
his name and complete address |
Son: Julius Cohen, Bayonne, NJ. 483
Hudson Ave. |
20.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
20.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
20.Purpose of coming to United
States/(Can't See Detail) |
21.(Can't see detail) |
22.Whether a polygamist |
23.Whether an anarchist |
24.(Can't see detail) |
25.(Can't see detail) |
26.(Can't see detail) |
27.Condition of Health, mental and
physical |
28.Deformed or crippled, nature,
length of time, and cause |
29.Height/Feet |
5 |
29.Height/Inches |
1 |
30.Complexion |
Fair |
31.Color of/Hair |
Gray |
31.Color of/Eyes |
32.Marks of Identification |
Senility |
33.Place of Birth/Country |
Russia |
33.Place of Birth/City or Town |
Pieseczny |
Page 1
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.jpg) |
Masza Charon was the mother of
Hershel Charach. She died by falling down the stairs at her son
Hershel's home. Interesting that for item #32, Marks of
Identification, it's listed as Senility - though her
granddaughter, Marcia Cohen [my mother], recalls no such thing
being said about her grandmother. Marcia is named after Masza.
- She left her son Szmu (Shmuel/Samuel) behind in Piesecny
and wnt to her son Julius in Bayonne, NJ.
- Items #22 and #23 ask if either of them is a polygamist
or anarchist. Interesting questions.
- It shows Masza being born in and her last residence as
Pieseczny, Russia. I can only find Pieseczno in Poland, but
I'm still looking.
- The text on some of the questions from 20-28 are so
small that they are unreadable. It appears that those
columns are not filled out either with any data but there is
some writing in those spaces. It looks like it says Dr.
<something> Senility aff <some number>.
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Side Note:
